November Energy Update 2019

November Energy Update 2019

Hello Everyone!

The Holiday Season is upon us and our journey toward self-empowerment and releasing what is no longer serving us continues. As promised, the truth is finding its way to the surface for everyone. We are seeing this on the world stage and personally, as relationships, jobs and old outdated social structures are beginning to crumble. We must go with the energy; we cannot stop progress and expansion. 

There is an old wound coming up for the collective consciousness around loss, feeling alone or not belonging. The irony is that everyone has felt this way at least once in their lives. Though some have more intense conditions depending on sex, sexual orientation, family and economic status, the need to feel loved, to love and feel a sense of belonging, is simply a part of the human condition. This core wound may show itself to you this month. This may be especially prevalent for those of us with abandonment issues, lack of self-esteem, and those who  refuse to really look at themselves. As always, I recommend looking directly at the beliefs or wounds that are no longer serving by deciding what it makes you want. Call upon more love, connection, trust, loyalty and honoring treatment and begin by treating yourself the way you want to be treated. 

We know that how we treat ourselves, or what we expect from others is what we end up receiving. Are you connecting and listening to yourself? Are you seeing the truth of your beauty and power? This connection with self with be radically reflected to you this month and the months ahead.  Pay attention to how people are treating you and how you feel around others, as that will give you the insight to where you are with yourself. 

November energy feels like a mix of darkness and light. This means that you will have moments of divine clarity and then moments of feeling your deepest fears. The energy is that of extremes. This will play out  both on the world stage and within ourselves.  It feels like an oscillation between overwhelmed and calm, that could change moment to moment. 

Use this time to examine where you may sabotage yourself, by limiting your desires. What are these negative influences in your life that you have been allowing, from yourself or others? The “darkness” is simply when we are far from the light of our true selves, and far from seeing the situation as our inner being sees it. 

In November think about reaching for the light from wherever you are. This is a conscious choice to feel for the expansive magical energy available, instead of getting caught in what has already manifested itself in front of us.

Some of you may be called to the darkness or “shadow” as Jung would call it, through relationships problems or other difficult circumstances. Know that whatever inner struggle you are facing, there is light available to you. Many will have their lives turned upside down at the end of October and through the new year. This is ALWAYS leads to a breakthrough. Remember: breakdown leads to breakthrough. Fear, depression, anger, anxiety, and rage are all just indicators that we are not seeing the truth of the situation. Negative emotion is ALWAYS an indicator that we are focused on the OPPOSITE of what is desired. 

On a personal note, my father has been in intensive care for the past 3 weeks and may make his transition much earlier than me, my siblings or my stepmother were expecting. I know that we all choose our death, consciously or unconsciously, so I want to honor whatever choice he makes. I know my Dad has struggled with addiction and deep pain for almost his whole life. The light in this situation is, if he chooses to die, I know he will be free. Also, because of him I gained a stepmother, and a half brother and sister that I love very deeply.  I also know he will always be with us and here with me. 

I have many clients who have been struggling with “I’m doing the work, and nothing is happening” and I want to address that here. We can “do” the work mentally without having any change in the way we feel, and that means the “work” is not done. The work is feeling your way to solutions, not thinking your way there.             

Once you change the way you FEEL on a daily basis, you will change what you receive. The goal is always to find the best feeling place from where you are. The point of the “work” is to get you to the feeling of relief until you ideally reach hope and excitement. If you are feeling hopeful and excited, then positive manifestations will begin pouring in!      

In the moment that you find an improved feeling, conditions and circumstances change to match your feeling. -Abraham-Hicks

Ask yourself, what is my dominant feeling during my day? Frustration, appreciation, calm, fear? That will dictate what you receive. 

With Thanksgiving coming this month, I always use November as a reminder to myself to stay thankful and grateful; always a great exercise but extra poignant around this time. This month expect and be grateful in advance for all your needs being met. 

My November Radio Show will be LIVE Saturday November  2nd at 9am PST where you can call in and speak to me!  See below for details.