December Energy Update 2019

December Energy Update 2019 Video

Hello Everyone!

December will be a high energy month filled with the feelings of nostalgia, loss, processing and new beginnings. Even though the new year is still another month away, December still brings the fresh inspiration for NEW directions. Usually there is a natural “taking score” of the past year in December, but instead of focusing on the past, use 2019 as a jumping off point for 2020. WHO do you want to be? HOW  do you want to feel? What would you like to manifest for 2020? What do you want to see happen on the world stage? I always recommend writing these out! Writing things out is a form of manifestation, and can be a powerful tool. 

This NEW DIRECTION may be a new attitude, a new practice, a new career move, a whole new perspective, an “aha” moment, a new relationship, or a whole new way of living. So be open to this divine direction! 

December feels like a great pivoting month. Use the energy of this month to make the changes within yourself that you have always wanted to make. Last month we practiced DOING the things we want to do, this month we practice feeling the way we want to feel. Inside, out;-) 

Many had STRONG ups and downs in the past months and December brings more of a grounded energy. That means that you may feel a little clearer about how to move forward and have a stronger sense of who you are. 

You must remember that you cannot LIE to yourself any longer. Are you one that ignores your true feelings and pretends you are ok? Are you are EXPECTING to be attacked or disappointed by people? If so, you are armed and ready for a fight, guarded and closed off to receiving what you TRULY desire. Those old fears, doubts and anxieties will continue to grow if you don’t address them. Core wounding and secrets must come to the light to be healed, so be honest with yourself and others. 

If you are afraid you will never get what you want, then you must acknowledge that, instead of pretending it isn’t there. So many are rigid and defensive without realizing it. Pay attention to whether you are “acting” open or are truly open. You know the difference by paying attention to the way you feel. If you are judging, anxious, impatient, or irritated, you are closed. If you are loving, patient, kind, and present, you are open. This  will be a HUGE shift for many as you may catch yourself in a moment of disconnection, but then CHOOSE to do something about it. Just close your eyes and ask your heart to open.  The more you open your heart, the more love can pour in. 

There is a tremendous force of light energy filled with grace, purity and love surrounding us all right now. Magic WANTS to happen! The world is ready to go beyond what it ever has before. We are the ones on the leading edge, and it is OUR time NOW. Ask your inner being (soul/spirit) voice to be AMPLIFIED as you ask for DIVINE DIRECTION and DIVINE PROTECTION moving forward. 

We need to adjust our fields to allow in this amazing energy. That means, opening to change and new experiences, keeping your heart open more of  the time, and being truthful and authentic without the fears of what others will think. 

Affirmation for December:

I am open to having NEW EXPERIENCES and taking my life in a NEW direction toward my greatest JOY and FULUFILLMENT 

Coming out of the thankful and grateful energy of November, December is more about giving and receiving through love. Pay attention to where you may feel obligated and do your best not to give into action based in fear. It is very hard to avoid the “wrath” of not doing what other people want you to do, but this is a powerful time, and as you commit to putting YOUR truth first, you are telling the Universe to do the same. Very quickly the guilt will subside as the relief of finally listening to yourself takes hold. 

In the season of JOY and CELEBRATION, whatever you celebrate, be sure to give from your heart. 

My December Radio Show will be LIVE Saturday December  7th at 9am PST where you can call in and speak to me! See below for details.

Happy Holiday and Many Blessings! 
