October Energy Update 2019

October Energy Update 2019

Hello Everyone,

The action increased last month and many made some personal strides forward toward what they want. YAY! This may have been manifested as your being more motivated and feeling more positive more of the time, or actual action-based, concrete steps forward. Remember to praise the baby steps too. Not every piece of your journey will be a quantum leap, but continue to follow the impulses as they come.

October brings more releasing, letting go and moving on. As we leave the old we are walking toward what we really want, and away from what we have settled for.

This month is a bit of a breather before the heat gets turned up again through to the end of the year, shooting us into 2020! So, lessis MORE this month and from now on. That means less struggle, more allowing. Less fight, more letting go. Less judgment, more compassion. 

 This is widely used in 12-step recovery programs to help invoke being led by our “higher power” and it’s called the serenity prayer:

 “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” 

This speaks to accepting “what is” and not fighting it.  Abraham-Hicks would go a step further and say that what is happening now is IN THE PAST, the future is how you choose to feel and do in the now. The need to surrender to your current circumstance in order to let go and allow Universal forces to step in and take you where you want to go will be prevalent for the next year. So take note this month and consciously let go and let God. Have the wisdom to know when to let go and when to take action. 

I am hoping you have all begun a practice of putting what you love and enjoy at the forefront of your life. The energy of  the heart will continue to be at the forefront as love is the most powerful energy on earth. Love for ourselves, love for what we do, love for others and love for mother earth. This energy is increasing so it will be easier and easier to access if you simply reach for it. 

In the wise words of the Beatles, “All you need is love, love, love is all you need.”

I keep getting the message to move into my knowing in all subjects. Gee, that seems like quite a feat! BUT wow how great would that be!? So, I have been practicing what I have been telling you to practice, the simple KNOWING that EVERYTHING is happening FOR ME even if I cannot see how in the moment, and WOW has it made a HUGE DIFFERENCE. This is achieved by listening and being in tune ONLY with my inner being.  Your inner being KNOWS where everything you want is, how to get you there and most importantly that it is there ripe and ready waiting for you! 

Hope is good, belief is great and KNOWING is the best and the fastest way for things to come to you. I have had those moments where I have just known certain things in my life were going to happen. I had complete clarity and nothing anyone said was going to sway me. It was a powerful place to be. Now we are called to get ourselves there consciously. Getting in touch with your clarity will lead you to the voice of your inner being that KNOWS all.

Emotions arestill running high, so be kind to yourself and others. Old patterns will continue to reveal themselves if they are in any way still active in your energy. So, PAY ATTENTION to what you are getting, if that feeling is familiar, IT IS YOU. As Abraham-Hicks always reminds me, EVERYTHING is attraction. Everything you get is being drawn to you through YOUR thoughts and feelings. 

I find myself chuckling when I overhear a conversation about something funny and an hour later the same joke is on the radio in a store. I am constantly reminded that I am a creator and what I focus on, I get. The less resistance, the faster it comes. The more belief, the faster it comes. The more doubt and fear, the slower it comes. The more I fight it the more I get something to fight. Ugh. So my mantra is, “All is well. Everything is working out perfectly.” And so it does! 

2020 will be a “shake your core” kind of year, so this is our last month to “relax” before the speed really picks up. By relax, I mean letting go and moving into complete trust that wellbeing will prevail and WELL-BEING is ALWAYS dominant.

Many Blessings,


See below for details about my upcoming LIVE show Saturday October 5th at 9am PST! Call in and speak to me!