May Energy Update 2020

May Energy Update 2020

Hello Everyone!

There were many breakthroughs and massive openings coming out of April for many. Lots of feelings coming to the surface that needed expressing these past weeks, so if you haven’t yet, let it all out to someone or at the very least to yourself. 

So, I begin by reminding you to hold the intention of calm and peace despite the outside chaos. There will be continued discontent represented around you, but this need not be your experience. Find the harmony within yourself as the pandemic changes form and begins to fade in the coming months. There will still be a lot of fear and uncertainty ramped, so stay tuned to your inner truth. Like always, everything is getting better so trust the process and do your best to go with the flow. 

As promised, this is a time of clarity, great power and opportunity. There is an awakening happening on our planet as more people than ever before are hearing the call of their true self. The year 2020 came with a promise of expansion, and here it is. This year is about who you choose to be and doing what you came here to do, as we have been discussing since January. This pandemic is helping us all expand our desires.  Not to mention the massive collective asking for connection, abundance and wellbeing that are stronger than EVER before. Exciting times! I promise, this is bringing the change we have been asking for.

These last few weeks of April gave us an opening to trust, relax and accept this process. May will bring slight shift toward normalcy by the end of the month going into June. 

Themes for May: 

  • Make the most of this cycle
  • New perspective
  • Release perceived limitations and “restrictions”
  • Open to creativity and solutions
  • Find the feeling of freedom and safety 
  • Processing grief and loss
  • Miracles and serendipity 

In May try and be the observer and use this time to disconnect from reality. Meaning, stay off of Facebook and check the news only to stay informed of current regulations. Think of what you CAN do now, instead of where you are limited.  What are you deciding to focus on daily? That will dictate your emotional set point. This cycle will be over before you know so think about what this stay at home order has given you the opportunity to do. This distance from others should help us hold our own space in a deliberate way more easily. Great time to set intentions, meditate and engage in self-care. It is all working out and we will be through this all soon.

May also has the potential to bring a new perspective as we release the old world rules and open to NEW possibilities. These imposed “restrictions” are actually the key to our freedom. Things will not go back to normal, they will be better, and we all will be better for going through this. 

We are being asked to be with ourselves and examine where we are restricting ourselves. Ask yourself: What do believe I am capable of? Where do I feel restricted? What makes me feel free? What am I free to do now? What does that make me know I want? 

New solutions and a greater opening to your creative channel are available to all of us now as well. Paint, write, sing, dance, give yourself permission to be silly and feel the freedom in that. The more you relax and play the faster the solutions to the “problems” will come! 

The solutions that are already there, open to them by releasing your grip and focus on the problems.

There is a strong feeling of lack of safety and freedom on the planet, so you must consciously connect to how safe, protected and free you are. May has such a hopeful feeling, so do your best to activate where you are safe and free in the now moment. You are safe, and you are free, my friend. 

There is still an energy of loss and grief active and processing through the next few months that you may be connected to. This is part of the death and rebirth process that the planet is experiencing that may manifest itself as anxiety, depression or just needing to cry and be angry. Let these feelings move though. 

I am feeling a strong sense of serendipity and miracles coming in May. I love this feeling!! Know that the universe is aligning us with good fortune  and a magical alignment of events. Good things are coming!! 

Find the freedom feeling as we move into the next level of outward restrictions. Just because we have perceived limits on the outside does not mean we are not powerful creators. Ride the wave, it is taking you where you want to go. Remember we all created this for a reason. It’s all good!

My March Radio Show will be LIVE this Saturday May 2nd at 9am PST where you can call in and speak to me! 

Click here for call in number and to access my show, or see below.

Many Blessings,