June Energy Update 2020

Hello Everyone! 

As we enter June and the fourth month of this pandemic here in the USA, the energy around the virus, fear and our personal freedom will continue to be themes. 

As time goes on people’s fear will subside and as this happens the virus will be less and less in the forefront, but many have asked, so I will say, I am seeing almost a full year of it being around, BUT IT NEED NOT AFFECT YOU. 

This is a great time to RELAX and let things in more easily, because you can’t ACTION your way to things right now, you are forced to align yourself. 

Themes for June: 

Making Peace with the Unknown

A massive change of consciousness is in process as the pandemic continues without an end in sight, and the unknown is something we must make peace with. So much of the creation process is faith, and we must have it now. Believe it and it will be. You are safe, all is well, this is happening for me. This is temporary, it will end, and I am open to the gifts it is bringing to me and the world. 

I have said from the beginning that this is happening FOR us and all of this is part of the process.  This time of transformation continues as new paths are solidifying. A new world is upon us. Not one of fear and hiding, but one of expanding and healing. 

As Physical Doors are Still Closed, Digital and Virtual Doors Open

Though many doors will still feel closed, there will be many solutions, technologically and virtually that will ensure we can still receive what we want and need now. As the saying goes, “When one door closes, another one opens.” Look for new doors opening in June.  It has already started with, gym online, therapy online, auditions online, school online. It is not ideal, but if this was in the 1980’s, we would have none of these options, so be as grateful as you can that you are safe and have access to so much! 

The energy of New ways of doing things, and new opportunities that you would not have unless there was a pandemic, were huge in May and still going into June. SO, STAY OPEN!! Don’t box yourself into old ideas and limitations.

The effects of this virus on government, economy, power and business is forcing a REBOOT, so don’t worry so much about how things look right now. Remember, what is now is the past, so focus on where you want to go.  Especially is your job is one that may not be back for a while, open to what you REALLY want to do!! 

We Can Still Create the Life We WANT, and Accept New Ways of Living  FOR NOW

There are social and government laws and then there are Universal Laws.  The Universal laws are:  Gravity, Law of Cause and Effect, and Law of Attraction. EVERYTHING IS ATTRACTION. NO ONE can create in your experience. This experience has the potential for us to KNOW that even with the pandemic I can still create the life I want.  This is opportunity to see how the Universe will remove obstacles and bring in solutions in magical ways. Find the joys and freedom in this new temporary way of living. Wearing a mask is not a big deal, and connection and love are still present if you can tune into them.

New normal FOR THE NEAR FUTURE will be full of rules, distance, masks and cleaning..so what!? Line up with this and let it be there, until it isn’t. REMEMBER IT IS TEMPORARY. 

Things Not Going  as Planned, Change is the New Normal

In June there will be a continued need to stay open and flexible. Change is the new normal. Though we cannot see the “end,” do your best to stay in the NOW. 

There will need to be a complete overhaul and massive change, and things will not go “as planned” so be open to it being even better. There were already so many wonderful epiphanies and solutions that came in for me personally this month, so in June open to seeing how this pandemic is PART OF your path.

Though the momentum of the virus has slowed there is still MANY giving a lot of attention, so it will not disappear soon but that is ok.  If you are afraid, then line up with staying home. If you are not, simply line up with wearing a mask for now, keeping your distance and listening to your inner being when leaving your home. 

Frustration, Anger and Rebellion

FRUSRATION will be at an all-time high this summer. Let’s be honest, nobody likes waiting, but June we will still be “waiting” for answers. Though things here in California are beginning to open up, the feeling of restriction is still very present.  Many hoped for things  will be canceled with no answers and many will be disheartened. Yes, this time requires a RADICAL shift in how we approach our goals. There are many roads to happiness and in June a lot of hoped for events, gathering, and fun things of summer will be canceled, and it will feel like that really sucks! All it means is that more great things are coming! 

You are going to see a lot of revolt and challenging of the structures in place in the months to come. People are DONE! The discomfort of being home, feeling powerless and disconnected will outweigh the fear of the virus, as people will begin to want to free themselves. Now, check in yourself and your own fear and judgment coming up. We are powerless  over what others choose to do and our only commitment is to our own personal truth.

People have been afraid, grieved and now we are coming to the anger and rebellion stage.  Everyone will feel this at some level. People will start loosening the reins of social distancing, again some more than others. Don’t worry about what other people are doing and stay focused on what is right for you. Your mission for June is to take your focus AWAY from what other people are doing and keep it only on yourself.

 We are seeing a lot of rage, hate and violence since Trump became president and  seemed to “give permission” for racism, sexism, and prejudice to resurface. People are triggered and scared collectively, so this energy will be heightened during this time.  The backlash will be standing up to this energy once and for all. Sometimes the world needs to say collectively, WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH! We share this earth and we stand for love, equality, kindness, empathy and compassion instead of hate and rage.  I want peace, harmony, love, acceptance and equality moving forward. WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH. Trump has had his time and helped bring clarity to this country, I remind you all..there are more of us, and 1 connected to source cancels out millions who are not. 

Envision a NEW, instead of anticipating that something bad may happen. Stay grounded and know that all is well my friends. 

My Radio Show will be live Saturday June 6th at 9am PST! Call in to speak to me live, see details below.

Many Blessings,
