April Energy Update 2020

Hi Everyone! 

We were ALL greatly challenged this past month and have all been forced into a renewal and reset. I hope I was able to help a little but with my mid-month Coronavirus newsletter. This pandemic is holding a strong message for each and every one of us to tune into what your inner being is telling you. The way you FEEL and your response to the outside world is telling you what is going on inside you! 

It may feel like you have been halted and cannot move forward, but the Universe is bringing us all inward where all our true power lies.

“Most rarely align with their true power, because it seems illogical to them that there is power in relaxation, in letting go, or in love or joy or bliss. Most people do not understand that their true power lies in releasing resistance—which is the only obstacle to their true power.”


I am hoping you are able to hold true to what you desire and keep your balance, for the most part. Continue to respond with love and not fear, hope and not dread. This WILL pass, and solutions are on the way. I am feeling that April will still be transitional but with some big reveals. 

Affirmations for April:

I call upon the highest, best solutions and resolutions to all world issues and illness now. I am activating the energy of divine health, wellness and overall well-being for myself and all that chose it. All is well, all is unfolding perfectly.

I am open to all the gifts of this current situation.

April has historically been a HUGE change month for me, and it will be for all of us as well. Do you feel like you can’t take anymore upheaval? You may still feel restricted this month, but you are not. The belief that you lack personal freedom is being activated for many, but YOU are in control of your freedom and your perspective. The more we hold onto that truth the more we help the collective move through this difficult time. The whole world is in knots and we must do our best to stay focused on what energy we are contributing.

I am getting that there will be more forward motion in April. I see people taking action toward their goals this month, but I do see another “storm” coming. Be prepared for more difficultly on the world stage and in people’s emotional and physical lives. Be cautious, not fearful moving forward. This storm will pass but will still be very active in April. 

It sounds strange, but do not miss this opportunity to reset, and focus on yourself. The perceived limitations are all illusions. You cannot change what has already manifested, but you can change your view on it. 

In April we are asked to be patient and find that peaceful presence that we talked about in the beginning of the year. Use this time to RELAX and allow in solutions instead of continuing to put roadblocks in your way. The Universe already has all the solutions. Quiet your mind, broaden your perspective and let things unfold. 

Money fears, health issues and general anxiety and depression are coming up for so many.  As we have been talking about for months now, you cannot run from your true feelings and this situation is simply bringing them to light. Also, remember that this has expanded the collective call for  abundance, connection and overall health. If you can plug into that vibration, even through a recession or a pandemic, you will thrive and be safe. 

Now it makes sense to me why I kept getting the message so strongly to connect to your inner voice. When the chatter of the world gets louder it get harder to listen and quiet the mind unless you have built that muscle. 

I decided to pull some oracle cards around the Coronavirus, and this is what I got:

Where we are now:

  • In the illusion of fear. The shadows and wounds coming up to remind us what holds us hostage. The belief that “I don’t have what I need” or “I am not safe.” 
  • Must release resentment, negative self-talk and allow the spark of the divine to take over.

The challenge to release and be open to solutions

  • Too much analyzing and overthinking. 
  • Insecurities around trusting yourself as a creator and trusting the flow of life. 
  • Letting go of fear, trusting the process, and opening to miracles.


  • Expect the unexpected and prepare for miracles. Detours, and paradigm shifts. 
  • Detours may seem inconvenient, but they are leading you to where you want to go. 
  • Release your agenda and know that more magic awaits. 

I am feeling significant outer change in April, in a good way. More of a push energy charge toward the end of the month. 

In conclusion, stay focused on YOU, and what you want to create for yourself and the world. That is your true power. 

My BlogTalkRadio Show will be live Saturday April 4th at 9am PST! See below for details.

Many Blessings,
