May Energy Update 2019

May Energy Update 2019

Hello Everyone!

I am hoping that in April you gained clarity and were forced into your new direction.  We are all in the process of shedding our skin and allowing ourselves to be all that we are out in the world. There was a lot of releasing that took place in April, so I am hoping you feel optimistic and lighter going into May.  May will bring up a solidifying of plans, some fun and play, some more soul searching and letting go.

Themes for May are: 

  •  Making Room for the New-BY LETTING GO OF THE OLD 
  •  Allowing More Fun and Play into Your Life- LET YOURSELF BE SILLY AND AWAKEN YOUR INNER CHILD 

I just went through ALL of my personal items and released about 20 garbage bags of stuff these past weeks.  I donated, threw out and sold, making room for the new. It felt so good to release and let go of so much “stuff.” This is not only creating more physical space, but mental and spiritual space too.  So many of us hold onto things or emotional patterns out of habit, fear or insecurity. Your outside world is always a reflection of your inside, so too much “stuff” feels like overwhelm, frustration and lack of freedom. Use this time to LET GO of all everything that is not a match to the YOU you want to be. In the wisdom of Marie Kondo, only keep what “sparks joy.” Her intentions are to increase joy and decrease clutter, which is exactly what we want to do spiritually. This creates an environment where everything you have is precious, and joy enhancing. This applies emotionally as well. Attune your focus to seek joy and more joy will come to you.

Decide to declutter mentally and physically this month.  This helps open up energy and space within your being and your home. First, write a list of everything you see in your highest vision of your life.  Then write out the thoughts, behaviors or beliefs that do not match it and choose to release them now.

You can just breathe them out using the statement “ I am completely willing and entirely ready to let this go” one by one OR burn them, throw them out, flush them. Do whatever you need to do to feel like you have let them go symbolically. THEN go through your home, clothes and belongings and see what matches your highest vision. Whatever doesn’t, can go. This month intend to clear out and let go of all that doesn’t serve you in your new life moving forward. This means taking responsibility for your own life, in a VERY conscious way.  You are taking your power back and you will feel it.  

The reason I started doing this work is that I knew in my soul that there was a way for people to be able to heal themselves. It is always my intention to help people build the skills to  help manifest the life they want. This month heed the call and be your own healer.

 It will help you to make an effort in your everyday life to make the mundane life tasks more enjoyable. After all, our lives are made up of all of these small moments, so why not make laundry, cleaning, going to the market, work or the gym more fun.  Listen to music, talks or read books that uplift and inspire you. Smile more, engage with people more, and look for ways to make daily life more playful. Inundate yourself with reminders of joy and play. Remember, as Abraham –Hicks says, “Life is supposed to be fun, be easy about it.”

The outgoing ACTION energy continues in May, as we are forced into doing.  So listen to your impulses and feel for what actions match your intentions. This is why making things fun is so important. We can easily get overwhelmed and stressed when we are called to action, so do something different and you will get different results. 

Affirmation for May:

I am choosing to be more relaxed, balanced, grateful and happy.  

My May Radio Show will be pre-recorded due to my oldest son’s 4thBirthday party. Listen in on May 4that 9am PST where I will answer questions on the air and go deeper into May’s upcoming energy!

See link below for details.

Many Blessings,
