June Energy Update 2019

June Energy Update 2019

Hello Everyone!

I am hoping you gained clarity and direction in May and are entering June with a newfound sense of confidence and positive expectation. I hope you let yourself have some more fun and built up some much needed belief in yourself. 

June looks like another fast moving month filled with BIG emotions. Be prepared to feel more deeply than ever before. There is no one I know that has not had major changes, internally or externally in the past few months. June brings a feeling of excitement and panic all wrapped into one. Change is here, are you fighting it, or going with it? Do you want to let it be easy, or make it hard? Some have been able to shove their issues under the rug, but June brings forth energy of facing your demons, and feeling joy and gratitude in new ways. Know that change can be hard and scary, or exciting and fun! 

As we enter June, your desires may feel stronger and clearer than they ever have before. Are you ready or “waiting” for your next move to appear? You may not be able to see how the desired outcome or solution will appear, but it is time to trust and have faith in your power to create. Remember, you get what you believe and just because you don’t see it yet, doesn’t mean it’s not here. IT IS THE TIME TO MAKE LIFE CHANGES NOW. We are primed and ready to make our move. The path forward should feel clear, so this month will be open to AMAZING manifestations, ease and flow. 

June is a month that has the potential to restore your sense of passion, wellness and overall well-being.  I am seeing reconciliations and resolve in June. May might have finalized and clarified a direction for you; June will push you into full motion forward. This month we must let go more, and KNOW that life can be easy. I invite you to let go of all your past experiences of life being “hard” and be open to the powers of the Universe. This makes me think of the cartoon He-Man from the 80’s “BY THE POWER OF GREYSKULL! I HAVE THE POWER! ” After all they were called the “Masters of the Universe,” which we all are. I am starting to see why I have such a strong memory of this show.  We are all masters of our own universe, and this month OWN IT. 

The theme of SELF-nurturing and self-care will continue, as we cannot move forward with an empty gas tank any longer. Your body WILL take you down. Exercise, journaling, meditation, reading, and listening to what is right for you will be something you cannot live without any longer. If you want to feel good, you must be willing to take good care of yourself physically, mentally and spiritually.

Through the years I realized that people and places had left my experience because they were no longer a match to who I was. Now, all the people in my life KNOW that I want them to honor themselves first, not me. In turn, I expect them to know that I will do the same. The people closest to me know that I will never ask them to give themselves up for me and I will not give myself up for them. This is so freeing. It puts the responsibility on me to be open, honest, and vulnerable with my own needs and wants. I used to worry so much about people being mad at me, or passive aggressive. I would jump through hoops to avoid conflict. Now I realize that I would put myself in situations I did not want to be in, then I would be resentful and it would end up ruining the relationship anyway. So start putting you first, your needs, your wants, and watch the Universe put you first too. 

I invite you to use this powerful time to permanently shift your perspective. When you recognize the blessings in every situation you ignite the supportive powers of the Universe. When you fight and complain about your current situation you are resisting all the powers and miracles available to you. Negative emotion is just our soul telling us that we are thinking something that is FAR from the truth and what we say we want. That is why practicing gratitude, letting out your anger, or fears, and then rerouting the energy is so important.  Pay attention to where you let yourself “worry” and do your best to shift to what is wanted, and consciously ask your inner being how they see this situation. 

Affirmation this month:

This (whatever you choose) is working out perfectly

I am letting the Universe work its magic and bring me the highest best outcome now.

My June Radio Show will be LIVE this Saturday June 1st at 9am PST where you can call in and speak to me! See below for details.