April Energy Update 2019

April Energy Update 2019


Hello Everyone!

I love the energy of spring. I enjoy spring cleaning, warmer weather, more sun and opening up to new energies! Like the flowers blooming, let April bring in feeling of a new hope.  There have been SO many changes for me and those around me, and I see more coming. I have noticed, for myself, that last month there were a lot of “Aha” moments, and huge perspective shifts. It feels like my life is moving forward on a new track.  In general, it is as if nothing can stay stagnant anymore; it must move!

For some reason April has always been a month in which big changes happen for me.  Historically, every April I am prepping for or making a BIG move.  Expect April to have a bit of a disruptive energy, forcing your hand toward self-realization. If you haven’t had BIG shifts in the past two months, April’s spring awakening energy will help give you that final push.

No matter what is going on in your life or on the world stage, April is a reminder not to lose hope.  What we are seeing now is old news, old creation. Instead of giving it so much credence and power, use it to inspire you to take a new direction. We must prepare our minds and hearts for the big changes we have been asking for.  Think of April as the last month of preparation for the new.

I have been working with many of you on managing loss and disappointment.  It can feel like something has been forced upon you, or that you are doing something “wrong” in your creation.  The feeling of being blindsided or attacked out of nowhere is the fear that keeps so many from fully giving over to our inner beings. All past pain and disappointment came to us because we were not living in alignment with our true selves. We know better now. Know that everything that has ever happened to you has made you better and expanded what you are capable of.   

Do you find yourself telling your “story” of disappointment and difficulty over and over again? Catch yourself and pay attention to when you are going along with the negative status quo instead of moving toward what you created. Most people are complaining and focused on what IS instead of what is DESIRED.  Do your best to start telling a new story of where you want to go instead of where you have been.

I see so many struggling with lack of self worth, lack of belief in themselves and just plain insecurity. These are learned patterns that we feel what we “do” or “have” in the now defines WHO we are. It does not. I have heard from so many of my clients that they feel like a “failure” because they are not where they wanted to be at this point in their lives. There is no time but the NOW to allow in more of what is wanted.  The most destructive thoughts are those of worry, fear and hate. Only love and acceptance can shift those energies. So this month do whatever you can to LOVE and ACCEPT yourself, wherever you are in your journey.  This takes courage and the willingness to take the risk that your TRUE SELF IS GOOD ENOUGH.

If the changes you are looking for feel slow to come, take this time to look at what thoughts, feelings and energies you are still activating that are keeping you stuck. If you are still letting past trauma control you, this is the time to look directly at it and do something about it. Any contempt for yourself MUST be released.  Remember, the world will treat you the way you treat yourself. 

It is funny, but I still feel that excitement for summer like I did as a child.  It still represents freedom and fun to me. I find that we, as humans, do well when we are looking forward to something. This month allow yourself to be in POSITIVE EXPECTATION for what is coming. Remember, you get what you expect.  If you expect things to work out, they will. If you expect miracles, you’ll get them. 

CLAIM: I am willing to release all pain from the past and live with love and compassion for myself. I am allowing love to renew me now.

In April choose to move forward with courage and trust. Faith is simply expectation. It is believing, before you see it. It’s a knowing it with no evidence.  So have faith and it will be yours, and so it is.

Check my Radio Show on Saturday April 6that 9am PST! Call in to speak to me live! See link below for details.

My Saturday May 4th show will be prerecorded so please send in questions for that show before hand.  It is my son’s 4th Birthday;-) 

Many Blessings,