March Energy Update 2019

March Energy Update 2019

March Energy Update 2019

Hello Everyone!
I hope that February opened your heart and pushed you onto your path, like I know it did for so many!  We want to enter March with the knowing that an open heart is more powerful than a protected one.  We are entering the next phase of our expansion and it starts with that open heart. That means paying extra close attention to when you are feeling judgment, insecurity or fear, which usually triggers a closed heart response. In that moment, take a deep breath and simply ask your heart to open again. I promise you will feel immediate relief.
I am still getting a strong NEW BEGINNING energy with more tangible results this month. As we enter March with our hearts open, we are allowing in more resonant connections with people, places and circumstances. You should feel a revitalizing of your spirit in March and we can smell spring in the air.
This month you will continue to receive subtle, and not so subtle, reminders that what ever is happening to you is a result of what is happening inside you. No matter how wrong and bad the people are around you, how you respond to it is your only power. If you are in a place of constantly being activated and triggered by circumstances around you, then you must look at you!  After all YOU are the common denominator. You are powerless over what others will do, think and feel, but you are in full power to shift your perception and response.
The quote for this month is:
Be less REACTIVE to conditions and be more RESPONSIVE to your inner being”- Abraham Hicks
This will be vital moving forward as I have always said, if you continue to blame, your life will stay the same.
Pay attention this month to where you are pushing against, or going against the current. Efforting and willpower will not heed the results you are looking for. At this point the more you try to force things, the worse you will feel and the more stuck and frustrated you will become. It is a time to stop “trying” and instead allow and let go more. 
I am also getting to pay attention to the connections around health, money and value this month.  What we truly value will manifest itself in the money we receive and in our physical bodies. I invite you all to examine what you value in life.  For example, if you value security and safety, is it due to love or fear? If you value health, how are you taking care of yourself? If you value love, how much are you giving?
What we say we value and what we do are not always lining up. If we are inspired by what we truly value, instead of what we fear, we are working with our powerful energy not against it.
As an exercise this month, ask yourself these questions for clarity:

  1. What do you really value in life? (What brings you joy? Do you value status and possessions? )
  2. What do I perceive as valuable?  (Money? Power? Love? Health? Friendship?)
  3. What do I perceive MY value to be? (My wisdom? My friendship?)
  4. Where do I put most of my energy? (Fear? Worry? Love? Connection?)

Lastly, continue to be on the lookout for the support and collaboration you are looking for this month and into the summer. I am seeing connections being made, if you are open 😉

Reminder that I have 2 newAUDIO downloadswith WORKBOOKSready for purchase on my new web STORE! I am very excited about these and am excited to do more. 

They are the first in a series, but I started with RELATIONSHIPSand MONEY!I find myself repeating myself SO often around these two subjects I thought I would give you all some concrete tools to take with you. Each recoding and workbook together are only $30! 

The first recording and workbook is on Attracting Relationships. If you are looking for your divine partner, or looking to improve any of the relationships in your life, this recording is for you. I will give you concrete tools and guidance on how to clean up your vibration and release past trauma in relationships in order to bring in the relationship you truly desire. The free Workbook that comes with the recording is meant to give you further guidance in creating the relationship you desire. I also end the recording with a guided meditation to help align you even further. This recording is meant to open you fully to receiving love.


The second recording is on Attracting Money and Abundance. If you are struggling with money, or want to open to receiving more in all areas of your life, this recording is for you. I will give you tools to allow in more money, and release beliefs that are no longer serving you. The free Workbook that comes with the recording is meant to give you further guidance in creating the abundance you desire and helping you find your own alignment. I end the recording with a guided meditation to help open you further to receiving. This recording is meant help you allow in more money and improve your overall relationship with money.


Along with my show airing its usual time on March 2nd at 9am PST! 

Call in to speak to me LIVE on my show!

Many Blessings,