February Energy Update 2019

February Energy Update 2019

February Energy Update 2019

Hello Everyone!

I always think of January as a transitional month and February always feels like the true New Year. January seemed to be filled with some breakdowns and breakthroughs, as we are all ready to begin our TRUE PATH journey in 2019. This year the focus is on FULLY trusting and listening to our inner being. This is the way we intended to live and must start doing so now. This is where the magic and flow of life is. Each month of the year we have an opportunity to open to this more fully.

I am hearing that the planet will be processing some old aggressive, hostile energy, so pay attention if you feel anger, rage or have it coming at you. If you have it in your direct experience, it is still active within you and this month is the time to release, shift and move through this energy. Usually under the rage and aggressive energy is deep fear and sadness. The anger feels more powerful than depression, but we can’t get stuck there. Decide to stay connected to yourself and work THROUGH the feelings; don’t let them work through you. Your power is always in the now moment.

Ask yourself this month, what are you ready to disconnect from? What are you ready to connect to? You must begin embodying the YOU, you want to be not the YOU, you have been.

Due to this “fight” energy I feel we must make a choice to connect with your love around whatever it is you desire. I have to giggle at this information since February is typically filled with images of hearts and red due to Valentine’s Day. This should make it easier for you to remember;-)Activating the love and passion of our desire will be a theme this month and will prove to be very powerful. As MLK knew so well, LOVE is the most powerful transformer of energy.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.”

– Martin Luther King, Jr.

This month you may be faced with some decisions. They may be small or large, but either way your approach must be different.  We are all being encouraged to FEEL our way to the answer, not THINK our way there. Open to creativity and magic happening in your life. If you are faced with a problem or choice, consciously go to your inner being and ask for guidance. Then wait. My grandfather used to always say, “When in doubt, stall..” If you are unsure or fearful it is NEVER the time to make a decision. Ask for divine clarity and when you least expect it, the answer will come. This is a practice that will deeply serve you as you move into all you desire.

Strangely I got this directly from my channel and feel they said it better than I could.

Message from your inner being:

We are listening; we are waiting for you, calling you to us constantly and consistently. We know who you really are and if you take the time to deliberately listen for our call, and practice that for days at a time, you will begin to shift your point of attraction. Then impulses and urges will begin to surface, that feel good. You will know you have found your way because you are feeling better.

Reminder that I have 2 new AUDIO downloads with WORKBOOKS ready for purchase on my new web STORE! I am very excited about these and am excited to do more.

They are the first in a series, but I started with RELATIONSHIPSand MONEY!I find myself repeating myself SO often around these two subjects I thought I would give you all some concrete tools to take with you. Each recoding and workbook together are only $30! 

The first recording and workbook is on Attracting Relationships. If you are looking for your divine partner, or looking to improve any of the relationships in your life, this recording is for you. I will give you concrete tools and guidance on how to clean up your vibration and release past trauma in relationships in order to bring in the relationship you truly desire. The free Workbook that comes with the recording is meant to give you further guidance in creating the relationship you desire. I also end the recording with a guided meditation to help align you even further. This recording is meant to open you fully to receiving love.

The second recording is on Attracting Money and Abundance. If you are struggling with money, or want to open to receiving more in all areas of your life, this recording is for you. I will give you tools to allow in more money, and release beliefs that are no longer serving you. The free Workbook that comes with the recording is meant to give you further guidance in creating the abundance you desire and helping you find your own alignment. I end the recording with a guided meditation to help open you further to receiving. This recording is meant help you allow in more money and improve your overall relationship with money.

GO TO PURCHASE by clicking STORE in top menu or by going to this link: : 

Also I will be hosting Dee’s Blogtalk Radio Show again on Sunday February 3rd at 9am PST.

Along with my show airing it’s usual time on February 2nd at 9am PST! 

Would love to hear from you all to what you would like the next recording to be on. Call in to speak to me LIVE on Dee’s or my show!

Many Blessings,