July Energy Update 2020

Hello Everyone,

Coming out of June, people are asking, how much more can we take?? Well, now that anger and rage have been expressed the collective energy will begin to move on to action, healing and forward movement.

It is a time of change and no matter how many want to hold back progress, the expansion is happening and nothing will stop it. This goes for you as an individual as well. You must grow, expand and heal, or you will continue to suffer unnecessarily.

All of this chaos will move us toward where we want to go, no matter how it looks right now. This has been a year of revealing what has been hidden, the needed first stage of healing. Like in Jungian therapy, we are bringing light to the shadows.

Everything that is happening now, is bringing a NEEDED awareness to injustices that have been here for centuries. People are gaining clarity that the world and the way we have been functioning is not working. NEW ideas and solutions will begin to emerge and this month you can FEEL the positive changes in the air, if you look for them.  

Heading into the second half of this year, more change is still to come. So much will continue to rise to the surface, hitting tipping points for individuals and the collective. We will see many upheavals in the next few months and in July we are being asked to find the BALANCE between staying aware of what’s happening, but not so much that you go in the toilet. See where you can bring more work/life balance, exercise/leisure time balance, meditation, relaxing and action balance to your daily life. This will be an asset in the months to come.

July feels like a month of healing. I know that Covid is nowhere near going away, but the trauma of the past few months will begin to settle down and turn into more productive movement forward. There will still be much conflict, frustration and fear, but I encourage you to plug into what is coming instead of what is here now. The world going through a necessary healing, and is in the breakdown phase. The rebuilding will be in the years to come.

As I talked about last month, getting comfortable with uncertainty and trusting the path forward will be key now. Issues of safety, stability, facing major challenges, and powerlessness are still very active in July, but opening up and healing is more prominent than it has been since the pandemic started.  Tune into your own healing as the chaos will continue on the outside.

Another theme for July will be MENDING. This is a month to ask yourself, what would LOVE to do now? That means, how can we look at this situation/person with compassion.  We, as a human race, are more in our hearts than we have ever been. This is a time of forgiveness, not for the people/person you forgive, but for yourself. Because as we know, holding on to resentment is like drinking the poison expecting someone else to die. So, let this month inspire resolve and forgiveness. Forgive the world, anyone that has wronged you and most importantly yourself. Forgive yourself for not believing in you, decide that you are going to move forward now with nothing from the past holding you back. As we let go of past hurt and forgive(another way of making peace with something), we can further claim our power.

The reason I do what I do is because I believe that trauma is an opportunity to grow, heal and become better. That is what we need now. Clarity moving forward into the world we want to create.

We must allow our hurt to pass through and process this month as more will continue to be revealed on the world stage. As I have been saying for a year now, things will keep getting bigger until ALL truths are revealed. Expect more revelations in the coming months. Crazy, intense, yet transformative times.

This is the first month where I feel the birth of a NEW life beginning. When I tune into it I get excited and can feel how temporary this all is. There is a momentum in the air that feels like a world full of promise and hope, instead of a world filled with greed, hate and pain. I see good fortune. Try and tune into that, because it is what we all have been asking for.

Trust that everything is working out. Our challenge is to not to give into fear and doubt. There are many that are losing hope in this world but try and feel what all this trauma has created. More love, more harmony, more wellness, more unity, more abundance and solutions. It’s all coming!

The image I keep getting around July is the HEART. The message is not only about healing your heart but identifying where your heart is CERTAIN and CLEAR. Walk in the direction your heart takes you this month, even if that means taking a chance on yourself. Have a great month!

My June Radio Show will be LIVE Saturday July 4th at 9am PST where you can call in and speak to me!  See below for details.

Many Blessings,
