July Energy Update 2019

July Energy Update 2019

Hello Everyone!

July brings and energy of compassion, intimacy, truth, and healing. I am personally embracing that energy already. As we move into loving and caring for ourselves, in whatever way is meaningful to us, our confidence, good feelings, self-esteem will grow.  You will see that as you have more compassion for yourself, your patience and compassion for others will also increase. So, this month I invite have more compassion for yourself, wherever you are in your experience.

June exposed a huge core belief for me personally that I want to share with all of you, as I feel that some of you may be holding the same thing;-)

With the focus on being open and vulnerable, anything still in the way of that will come to the surface. My babysitter, who I hired to help me honor and take care of myself, stole a significant amount of money from my home. I went through many emotions: shock, sadness, anger, fear, and blame. Then I finally had to look at WHY I attracted this.

The answer was that I was still holding the belief that people are going to “turn” on me, as I still “turn” on myself and beat myself up for taking care of myself. On an even deeper level, I believed that when I honor myself, I am abandoned or dishonored by others. This obviously was a VERY old pattern from childhood, where when I exposed my truth I was shamed and abandoned by those around me. The truth is I was a very insecure, scared little girl who felt ashamed about who I really was inside, so the world reflected that to me.

So, now, moving on. This has made me even more clear that I deserve to be honored and be celebrated and rewarded for honoring myself. It has made me have more compassion and understanding for myself, even though I beat myself up momentarily for not hiding the money better.  Also, I shifted to gratitude for all that I have and that money will come back to me. I also know that it is not my job to “punish” this person, but to only take care of myself.

Byron Katie says something really interesting: “No one can hurt me. That’s my job.” We know the truth is that we are the ones that hurt ourselves and that the world is just a reflection of what we believe is true, and what we believe we deserve. You will be treated the way you treat yourself. I also “painted red flags white,” which means I didn’t listen to my initial gut response to this person, another form of dishonoring my inner voice.

So, I am now choosing to love and honor myself, first, and look at myself with more compassion and love. So really, she gave me a gift. Though I am still a little mad;-)

I will be the first to admit that some days are easier than others, but remembering that I feel BEST when I am LOVING, more than even being loved. My power is in my capacity to love. The more I love, the more love I get back from the Universe.

July also brings a heightened awareness to holistic health and healing. I know it is typical for many in the summer months to be more aware of body image, but this is at an even deeper level. As you heal yourself you will find a healer in you. I believe we are ALL healers. We all have the capability to heal others and ourselves by having the courage to speak our truth and be true to ourselves.

Truth heals. Love heals. Compassion paves the way for healing. 

We are seeing so much courage and bravery around the world, and also hate and fear. We must remember to be aware of what energy we are contributing to the collective.

Remember that you can get where you want to go from wherever you are. So, this month, appreciate where you are and be excited for more. If things feel slow to come, as spirit to speed it up;-) Claim that you are ready for MORE. More FUN, more INSPIRATION, more EASE, more ABUNDANCE and more LOVE.

Many Blessings, Nadia