February Energy Update 2022

February Energy Update 2022


2022 has gotten the ball rolling in some new directions, but it may still feel like things aren’t quite moving as quickly as you would like. Well, get ready for things to pick up some speed in February. There will be speeding up, slowing down again pattern throughout the month. Know when to retreat and when to take action! 

February Themes:

  • Feeling like your life is being turned upside down.  JUST when you started to feel a little settled, life will throw you a curve ball. The Universe will push you past your comfort zone by pushing you into new situations and circumstance. Some good, some not so good. Do your best to stay balanced and flow with what comes. The power comes when you move from problems to solutions with ease! Each and every experience is here to give you a gift, so ask to see it. Stay on your course. You are on your path even if you don’t feel like it. 
  • Personal power and Rising to NEW levels. This includes walking away from what you DON’T want and toward what you DO want with more and more confidence. Are you walking your talk? Does your life match who you want to be?  We tend to only rise to the level of our beliefs, so raise your beliefs to the level of your desire! This theme will continue throughout the year.
  • Moving onward and upward with deep levels of healing. More and more people are willing to truly look at themselves and dig deeper into their own healing. You will either discover something that has been hidden inside you this month OR be of service to others who are beginning their journey of healing. Mental, emotional, physical and spiritual healings are possible this year in a more powerful way than ever before. BUT you need to believe it before you see it. Do whatever it takes to find your God/Source Power inside you. You are God/Source in a human body. You are capable of more that you know.
  • Creating abundance through the energy of trust and relaxation. The more relaxed you are, the faster the money will manifest. So chill!!!  Mantra: The more I relax, the more I get. I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams.

This month, try and push yourself beyond what you previously believed to be possible. Call in all your inner resources to give you the courage and strength to go beyond where you have gone before.  With this comes a willingness to leave behind old patterns that continue to keep you stuck where you are. 

Set clear intentions for yourself for how you would like to feel. Never underestimate the power of your intentions. This month remember that you are not who you used to be, so you better start acting like it! 

Stuck energy is moving, so go with it. Open to trusting that EVERYTHING you want can and will come to you. Remember that this year we are reinventing ourselves and upgrading to a better version. The way you know you are attracting to you what you want is that you will feel authentic and empowered. 

Choose NOW to transform yourself and your life into what you want it to be. The Universe has got your back. 

I will be LIVE Saturday February 5th at 9am PT for my BlogTalk Radio show. Call in to speak to me!  See below for details. 

Many Blessings,
