March Energy Update 2022

March Energy Update 2022

I always say that March and April are the change-making months of the year. Spring is coming and new growth and expansion feels within our grasp. Astrologically, this is the ONLY month of the year with ZERO retrogrades!! That means leaving the past behind, moving forward and massive Universal support.  

In March we move from Pisces to Aries, water to fire, inward to outward. Flowing with our inner guidance, and out there making some noise! Going from inner work to outer change will be your new normal. 

Exiting February I am hoping a lot of you got ready to further your goals and made some strides financially. In March, finances will still be at the forefront so be open to new ways of money coming in and remember that the better you feel, the more money can come to you. This month will be a combination of having to face your finances and plan for growth, as well as soothing yourself and further releasing any leftover lack consciousness. 

Many will still be on a journey of their pain and distress running their lives. The NEED for people to heal and make changes on a collective level will continue to increase. Those of you in the healing arts will gain much business in the coming months. Continue your work on opening to all your personal gifts and talents in order to serve yourself and the planet in the highest way. 

In March there is no way but THROUGH the discomfort. There is a sense of assessing our lives, where we are and what we have learned this past year. We are being pushed by the cosmos to dig deeper and not just take things at face value. Self-understanding is KEY now. What are you doing and WHY? 

If you want a new life you must be willing to walk though all you have been avoiding.  What have you been hiding under the rug? What have you been using as an excuse to feel bad about yourself or your life? You are ready to find the clarity and empowerment you have been seeking. Let your life open up. What seeds have you planted? Are you watering them daily?

This spring we are heading into a newborn creativity and energy. As spring brings new life, divine inspiration and personal growth will be more prominent than it has ever been. 

Try to look at March as a fresh step. The energy is supporting optimism and hope, so it is a great time to transform doubt and fear. Change and transformation in your daily life for the good will be possible now. 

There is an energy of courage and feeling fearless that is coming in March that I love. It is a culmination of all the things we have been through leading us to this moment. It was all worth it.  Take inventory on what has departed from your life and what has been added. What can you continue to release, and what can be further activated? How can you be more courageous in your life? You are being called to be the leader of your own life. Will you answer the call? 

My Blogtalk Radio show will be Live Saturday March 5th. See below for details.

Many Blessings,
