Year Ahead 2022 Energy Update

Year Ahead 2022 Energy Update


Hello Everyone, 

Happy New Year!! This is my special YEAR AHEAD Energy Update. 

2022 is our 3rd year in the 10-year cycle of TRANSFORMATION.  The world is in the process of its own healing, and we are entering stage 3. The past two years have felt themes of RESTRICTION, PERSONAL FREEDOM, TRUE POWER and TRUTHS comings to the surface.  

To recap:

  • 2020 was a breaking down, and a reevaluating, that forced most inward. It was the beginning of the TRUTH coming out, a momentum that will continue, as no lies or deception can stay hidden as the light on the planet grows. Survival fear, division and hate rose to the surface to be seen for most of the planet. As Jung said, you must bring the shadow to the light in order to heal it. 2020 was the collective shadow coming to the light. Themes of freedom, health, control, survival and fear were dominant. 
  • 2021 was about building a new foundation of how we live, relate to others and treat ourselves and our beautiful bodies. This past year was about releasing what no longer served us and learning who we really are and what we really want. More truths coming to the surface, more fear, but beginning a new relationship to it. Still divisiveness, and desire to control others, on all sides but learning that we only have power over ourselves and our own choices. Many will still be dealing with this dynamic in 2022. 


2022 will be the year of REINVENTION. This means you are not shackled by the cultural chains that have held you. YOU make the rules, YOU decide who you are and what you want you contribute to the world. That will be the most powerful energy from now on. Manifestations are happening at warp speed now, so please be aware of where you are putting your focus. 

The young ones are bringing in a strong energy to be true to who they are in a powerful way that will hit a tipping point in the years to come. As Abraham Hicks says, “The old cranky ones are dying and the new ones are coming in knowing who they are in a more powerful way. “

2022 feels more GROUNDED. Like we have spent the past two years building a foundation that we now can stand on.

We will see many solutions to problems in food, global warming and health this year. NEW medical solutions coming, in a big way. This will continue through the decade. 

The “old” ways (false power, greed, lies, control) will continue to have less power, as the new way is given plenty of sun and water so it can grow. 

Fear, anger and divisiveness will still be VERY present in people, but no matter what side you are on, choose to contribute compassion, kindness and balance. 

This year there will be some disruptive forces, but they need not affect you. Weather patterns will be unpredictable in many places: storms and earthquakes. Water and Earth elements will be dominant. Try and go with the flow and stay grounded. 

The general feeling of 2022 is fast-moving and some surprises. This year you will not be able to hide in the shadows anymore. It is time to come out and be who you came here to be. 

In 2022 engage with the world in a different way. The past 2 years should have taught you that YOU are in charge of your freedom. This is the year to take control of what you are attracting in terms of money and release any left over “lack” consciousness. Many new opportunities and previous closed doors opening for those that have planted the seeds for their true dreams in the past 2 years. This year they can blossom in a magical way. The challenge will be to open UNSEEN possibilities and opportunities. The goal is to feel powerful in your own life. 

2022 is the year of calling in peace and releasing fear and worry. There is a huge sense of relief coming this year as I am seeing relief from anxieties, that have been on a high since 2020.  You will feel a personal responsibility to move towards your dreams, healing hate within ourselves, embracing new opportunities and facing our fears. You must be willing to look at things from a new perspective. Try new solutions to old problems, stop pretending that you are OK with mediocrity and push yourself out of your comfort zone. 

We came here to be GOD in a human form. It is time. It is a hard truth that the world treats you the way you treat yourself.  The world will reflect to you what you believe about yourself and others; so decide. How do you want to see yourself and the world?  The answer is, with LOVE. 

Strong resonant connections will be prominent this year. A year full of two’s 😉 This is also partnerships with source, self and the planet. Whatever it is that you are looking to manifest, this year will bring you the right teachers, friends, co-workers, love connections and opportunities to move you forward in your personal endeavors. This is the year to call in your people. Soul connections will be rapid this year.

I do see an “end” or fading away to the pandemic or a massive softening this year.  I see COVID fading by fall 2022. Summer will begin to feel more free for many. The winter will bring some more fear, but nothing like this year.

COVID is a collective creation manifested through survival fear and division. In order to let this disease fade we must activate the opposite which is safety, love and compassion for ourselves and others. All disease is caused by DIS-EASE, so in order to heal it we must find our own personal wellbeing. It is no one else’s job to create our freedom. 

“You are so free you can choose bondage. You are so free you can allow wellness or disallow wellness and end up with illness. In other words, the choice is so much yours as an individual, that only freedom could be the way of expressing it.”



I will be running a NEW YEAR special in the month of January, 30 minute personal year ahead reading for $100. Email me at to book your session.

My Blogtalk Radio Show will be LIVE Saturday January 1st 9am PT.  See below for details and call-in information. I also will be appearing on the You=Me Podcast in January. Cindy and I had a great time talking about the year ahead and how to prepare.

Here’s to an amazing New Year! 
