Year Ahead Energy Update 2024!

Year Ahead Energy Update 2024!


Hello everyone, 

We are exiting a deeply personal, more introspective/spiritual year and moving into a more expansive, amplified energy in 2024.

In January 2020 I felt that we were beginning a massive transition period, so much that by 2030 so many things around health, government, and the way we live will radically change, for the better. 

So here we are entering 2024. This year feels like we have come to a fork in the road on a personal level. The culmination of the past 10 years has taken you to this moment. Take stock of what you have learned and gotten clarity about in terms of who you want to be.  Take that new version of you into 2024. As we become who we truly are the world will start to shift in amazing ways. Exciting times! 

Your desires are calling you to them, if you will listen.  This is the year to be courageous, to risk, to call on all of your inner resources, because it is GO time. 


  1. AMPLIFICATION: This will be a year where everything gets BIGGER. Struggle will get bigger. Joy will get bigger. Problems will get bigger but so will solutions. This year is a culmination of the past three years in terms of energy build up. The theme of truth coming to the surface will be also amplified this year. It is the time of revolution. People are not staying quiet anymore. The challenge for many will be letting go of what is no longer working due to fear of being uncomfortable. 2024 will force you into your discomfort, but oh will it be worth it. 
  2. BALANCE OF MALE AND FEMALE ENERGY: This will manifest itself with more awareness of the male and female energy inside of us all. The female energy will be more and more dominant and what that will look like is more receiving, less doing, more compassion, less aggression. On a personal level we must be conscious on what energy we are in. It will be an action packed year, so it will be easy to go into strong male DOING energy, so do your best to reach for the ease and flow of the feminine. There will need to be a balancing act between allowing, taking action when it feels good, and making things EASIER while we are busy. So many have become so rigid and judgmental, with the “us” vs “them” mentality. This will only stunt your own growth. As loving, open, rebalancing female energy is becoming more dominant you will see the old power, fear and manipulative energy try and push, but it will continue to backfire. New energy is peace, allowing, calm and compassion. Reach for that toward yourself and others. 
  3. CAUSE AND AFFECT or KARMA: This year natural consequences will present themselves. Misaligned choices will lead to misaligned results. This is always somewhat the case, since you get what you put out, but in the past there was a delay in this. This year it will be OBVIOUS and the results of your energy will come faster, whether positive or negative. You will see on the world stage a SLOW dismantling of systems. The feeling of things being destabilized in order to find better ways of functioning will be at the forefront. This is the year that NEW health and wellness solutions will rise as well as a shift in social media. The only caveat is that the world stage is always slower to change so there will be perceived “unfairness” this year, but trust that it will all work itself out. 
  4. TRUTH BE TOLD: This is the year to come out of denial. Be willing to be authentic and transparent will be important this year. More and more people are becoming more sensitive to energy, so they will FEEL and KNOW the difference in ways they could not before. Your life is a reflection of what you are putting out, time to own your choices and if they are not working, make new ones. Honesty with yourself and others will be a continued theme this year. Perfect for our upcoming election year here in the US. Trust that everything that happens this year is leading towards our true expansion and where we want to go. 
  5. SUCCESS FOR ARTISTS/LIGHT WORKERS: The tables are turning. Those of us that are holding a higher vibration of wanting to uplift will be at the forefront this year. This is not about trying to change others; it is a journey with the self and having the courage to share your personal gifts and talents with the world.  It is our time! Align with your higher purpose, share your truth passion, and this will lead to prosperity and wealth in 2024.
  6. REVOLUTION: Massive change on personal and global levels. The revolution is about personal power. Personal ambition, win-wins, and being the CEO of your own life!  Empowered, secure people don’t ever want to diminish others.  This may cause upheavals in your personal life.  I know that it feels like there have been massive emotional breakthroughs in the past few years but this is more profound. Take charge of your own life this year. The energy supports BIG changes. What have you had enough of? Where have you allowed yourself to become complacent? No more back seat driving in your own life.  Get into the driver’s seat. 

In conclusion, this will be a powerful and intense year. It is more important than ever to be MINDFUL in your choices and motivations right now. This is not a year where you can white knuckle your way through. You have to DO THE WORK. That means, daily practices of mediation, exercise, focus work. You have to get to the place where your desires feel good to you! 

I recommend writing out what I would like to leave behind and what I would like to invite in for the new year. Your intention is to get clarity on what’s next step in your own personal evolution. What do you need to believe or who do you need to become? What do you need to be doing daily to walk towards your own personal leveling up?

This year is coming in hot!  Lets have some fun;) 

May this year be blessed, abundant and joyful!
