February Energy Update 2024

February Energy Update 2024

LISTEN to Energy Update HERE.

Hello Everyone, 

Thank you to all of you who booked the January special, it was a joy connecting with all of you! 

The first image that came to mind when feeling for the energies in February, was a fork in the road. I sense that many will be faced with a hard choice this month. To stay in the familiar discomfort, or venture onto a new path where you will be called to be courageous and move into the unknown. Most will choose the devil they know, instead of taking the risk on themselves. But not us;-) 

If you expect the unexpected, you will be prepared for miracles.” -Collette Barron-Reid Oracle Cards.

If you are feeling stuck, depressed or like what you desire has been out of reach, this is the time to change up what you are doing. Pick a new path and choose to walk it. This will be an intense month for personal growth and expansion where you could feel like a new person by the end of the month. As I stated in the Energy Update for the Year Ahead, this will be a time to act, so you must line up your actions with your intentions.  

*Write out a list of all you desires.  Next to them write what needs to “happen” for you to achieve it. The things that are not in your immediate control, make a list of YOUR TO DO’s. Then write out what you want the Universe to BRING TO YOU. Do your best to move yourself into positive expectation. This takes some practice, by making statements and seeing how they feel, BUT IT WORKS!  As I always say, water the plant you want to grow. You must be a gentle gardener to your own desires. 

The brave, leading-edge path is one of self-love and self-trust. This feels like confidence, being proud of yourself, feeling satisfied and excited for what is coming. These are the feelings you are reaching for. We are being asked to call upon a deep inner power and knowing that we are capable, strong, and more powerful than we know. I have written on a Post-it, KNOW, TRUST, BELIEVE, RECEIVE. Examine where do you still expect to be disappointed? 

In February, ask to awaken the best parts of yourself. Be willing to see and experience your true greatness, wherever it lives for you. Trying to solve problems with “head” energy or “ego” will leave you feeling drained and depleted. Some may even feel sick to their stomach. The discord, as promised, is getting bigger, if you are not listening to your true inner calling. 

Your inner voice is calling you to hope, compassion, love, calm, peace, trust, forgiveness, acceptance, and all feelings of ease and knowing that it is all working out! 

If you are still wearing the mask of false victimhood, righteous anger, fear, resentment, anxiety and lack, this will only dim your light and create more and more inner discontentment.  These emotions are forms of self-sabotage that we use as an excuse to keep ourselves “safe.” All they do is build a wall around you where no good can come in. Face yourself. Look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself who you truly are. Put on imaginary wings and see yourself flying above it all to gain a more expanded perspective. 

By opening your energy, I see doors flying open. What you thought were detours you will see were right on your path. Opportunities that were once out of reach will begin flowing in. As you claim your path, it will expand your perspective and solutions to old problems that you could not see from your old perspective will begin to be illuminated. This month be more self-directed, instead of allowing outside energies to dictate the way you feel.

New connections, relationships and deeper intimacy is also a theme of February this year. Funny that we celebrate Valentine’s Day in February, but this is more of a result of a deeper connection with yourself, so that your other relationships will begin to reflect that. 

Pay attention to your self-talk. Are you continuing to re-create an outdated version of yourself? Are you being kind and compassionate to yourself? More and more the world will reflect to you how YOU really feel about YOU. 

Strangely, I am feeling some trauma processing for the collective right now. The past 4 years have been so intense so be ready to rise when needed for those who are ready. The collective is just starting their journey so be patient and kind to those who will be suffering. It may look like rage and hate. Just remember that they are in pain. 

We have a roller coaster ride ahead. Let’s make it fun! 

Many Blessings,
