June Energy Update 2023

June Energy Update 2023

Hello Everyone,

June is coming in hot!! Some of you may be coming out of May with your walls and defenses up as resentments and unresolved anger come right up to the surface at the top of the month. We head into June with emotions running high. 

Last month we were learning to make ourselves and our own happiness a priority, and part of that could have disrupted your social ecosystem. We are learning to care less about how others receive us and more about what energy we are contributing. If I am coming from self-love now when I have been a people-pleaser in the past, those dynamics will have to change. 

Growth and expansion will continue to be themes throughout the summer months, and June may require you to be brutally honest with yourself and others. 

There will be two extreme themes this month: feelings of insecurity, fear and blame will be highlighted as well as adventurousness, courage and expression of your truth or in the form of creativity. The more resistance you have to change and growth, the more insecure you will feel. That means it is a great time to clean up that energy.

INsecure, is a feeling that comes from INside you. It could have come from childhood, personal relationships, career or money lack, or even just your own mind. No matter the cause the important thing now is to no longer allow it to run your life. Examine where you are afraid of what people will think, afraid of failure, or have any lack of belief in yourself and June will help you push past these old patterns if you are willing to do the work! 

First, and always TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN FEELINGS. As I have always said, if you continue to blame your life stays the same, You may be SO right in your conclusion but it is time to take back your power. Decide that feeling good about yourself is your top priority! 

Pay attention to what knocks you out of your power. I have a lot of clients who struggle with impostor syndrome. If you feel not smart enough or good enough, it sounds counter intuitive, but OWN it first. Then either choose to improve on it or accept it. 

June is a Gemini month, which is an air sign that we call the jack of all trades. A great month to try out something new and don’t be afraid to suck at it.  I encourage you to take the time to make any excuse possible to appreciate your life where it is and be excited for more to come. Look around and see yourself from a broader perspective. Be more of your own cheerleader and watch how your life changes. 

Expand your horizons and continue to strive for the joyful life you want! 



Listen to the June update below: