June Energy Update 2022

June Energy Update 2022

Hello Everyone,

May was challenging and triggering, I hope it brought you some clarity around what you are still holding onto that is no longer serving you. It is hard to remember that whatever we are reacting to is a reflection of something inside of us that needs shifting.

There will be continued intensity and more hypocrisies being exposed in our country, on the world stage and with your friends and family. This will look like saying one thing and doing another, having a belief when it’s convenient then changing it when it is inconvenient. This has been seen in religions and political parties, and these must come up for further examination.

I feel like everything will move into a GREY area, instead of black and white thinking. This is about the understanding that nothing is static and we are always evolving and changing. Our challenge is to stop fighting and judging and instead access compassion and understanding that anyone out of alignment is in deep pain. Hypocrisy is a result of lack of awareness and fear, and we are living surrounded by a lot of that energy. DO NOT let it dominate. I invite you to examine your own hypocrisies, and continue your personal work as internal tensions will continue to rise for the planet.

Anger and fear aren’t going anywhere any time soon, and unfortunately the pattern in the collective is that things don’t change until they HAVE to. Do you best to focus on the change you want to see in the world, and bringing in solutions. I am writing this just after the Texas school shooting and as many of you know I have elementary age children. Knowing all we know does not make any of these tragedies any easier. RAGE, FEAR and PAIN got activated in almost every person that heard the news. The best way to help is not to push against the problem, but help by opening to solutions. The exercises I use are “What does this make me know I want?” and “Telling a new story.” This will help move us into solution instead of blaming, which is easy to do right now.

Example:  I want my kids to be safe at school and thrive. I want any and all that need mental health care to have access to it. I want guns to be in the hands of those that want to truly protect and serve with no intention of doing harm. I want love, kindness, peace and balance. I want to feel safe sending my children to school and know that they are powerful creators and will not line up with dark energy. I want all our children to be safe and thrive. I want America and the world to awaken to its own hypocrisies and truly move into love, compassion and caring for our fellow human as its dominant intent. I want everyone to feel free and safe. I know that every moment of contrast sets a new energy in motion and I hope that those children and teachers sacrificed their lives to set powerful change moving forward. I want people to heal and face their wounding. I want people to be connected to the truth of who they are. I want us all to thrive and be happy and create the lives we want.

In June examine your expectations. If you are expecting to be disappointed, you will be. This is a good month to process and move through old grief, loss and disappointments from the past. If it is still active in your energy it will show itself this month.

June is about reclaiming your power and opening your heart to hope, optimism and appreciation. If you open to this energy June can bring wonderful new adventures into your experience. Are you willing to let your life take you to new places?

There is a sense of finding your community that will come up in June. Examine where you are OPEN to finding “your people,” and where you are putting up roadblocks. Set an intention to connect with kindred spirits and call in your tribe, in every area of your life. This is also a great time to connect your non-physical community as well. Take time to connect with your higher self and guides to help put light on your path. The veil has been growing thinner as many people’s intuitive abilities are awakening. That is why true connections are on the rise!

The strongest energy I am getting for the summer is CHOICE. This is the time you must CHOOSE the path you want to follow. Any fear that has been keeping you from moving forward can be released now. Move forward with courage and trust knowing that all you desire is there for you. You have the power to move towards or away from what you want.

My Saturday June 4th show will be LIVE  9am PST, call in to speak to me at (845) 277-9390 or click below for more information. 

Many Blessings,
