July Energy Update

July Energy Update

Hello Everyone,
June brought up a lot of old wounds on a personal level and the world is a reflection of the same. All unresolved issues, insecurities and power struggles, are coming to a head.  
The overturning of Roe vs. Wade is obviously deeply upsetting but I promise you this, this is a catalyst for greater change, and will actually create the opposite effect that they desire. Remember that the more they try to control, the more it will backfire. This has catapulted more freedom and empowerment for women than ever before.  We will see the results of this in the years to come. They cannot take our power, and we will now choose to no longer give it away.  We MUST now choose to KNOW and USE our TRUE POWER to create the change we want to see in the world. Remember that government power is an illusion, NO ONE has power over you and your experience.
The other side will continue to push against what they DON’T want, which will turn against them in the end. Do not feel defeated, feel inspired that that that law does not dictate our freedom to choose and let that be your motivator to action.  Advocate what you want and do not push against what you don’t want. You can’t STOP what you don’t want, but you can create what you do want.
Please listen to this to get highest perspective. “As the problem gets bigger; the solution gets bigger.” WATCH/LISTEN HERE or below.

You should have some more clarity around what is working and what needs to change in your current circumstances. June helped us see what has been brewing, so now we can make the necessary changes.
In July there is a very fresh, creative energy to take advantage of. This is a great month to figure out the balance between leisure, work and the people in your life. Find out what really feels best to you.
I feel this sense of choosing a path and sticking to it. This month you may be asked to commit or choose. If you have been stalling on a decision this month may be the time to finally decide.
Continue to be aware of your motivations.  Ask yourself what is driving your actions. For example, are you acting from anxiety, running from task to task to distract yourself? Are you following your inner voice and in the flow all day?
Remember that you cannot have a happy ending to an unhappy journey, so if you are still in resentment, frustration and fear, you cannot allow the unfolding you truly desire.
In July you must pay attention to WHAT ARE YOU FOCUSED ON? The stresses and fears on world stage, small crap, money, complaining or a positive feeling of gratitude, optimism, self-care and empathy. The world needs us to remember that everything WILL work out and well-being abounds. We are still in that full circle energy where it feels like “Groundhog Day “with all the crap happening in the U.S., but remember with problems come solutions. We must help the planet tune to the millions of solutions available to us that are ready to unfold. What is, is always changing, so be apart of what we want to come, not what has already happened.
In July you will feel more acutely if you are ON or OFF your path. That feeling of satisfaction is the key to knowing you are headed in the direction of what you want. Doubt, insecurity and fear will feel worse than ever as our soul’s voice is screaming for us to focus in the direction of our desires.

My Saturday July 2nd show will be LIVE  9am PST, call in to speak to me at (845) 277-9390 or click here  BlogTalk Radio Show   or below for more information.

Many Blessings, Nadia