January Energy Update 2021

January Energy Update 2021

Happy New Year Everyone! 

We made it!!! 2020 has broken down all the things we thought we had control over. It has pushed us all outside of our comfort zones and into new territories of healing as individuals and as a planet. Power structures were challenged, and the entire world was triggered with deep survival fear and chaos. As the storms begin to pass we must begin 2021 with a new structure in place. For many what you built your life on has changed in the past year. You may not see it yet, but this will prove to be a good thing. 

As we begin 2021 be mindful of how you hide who you truly are. 2021 is the time to be REAL, VULNERABLE and TRANSPARENT. Authenticity and true expression are a theme of 2021. This is the year to step into your true self, because nothing less than that will feel good.

Many are still disconnected and in the fear and lack mentality.. YOU don’t need to be there. Though I am seeing a slow transition in 2021,  I feel the big shift will be in the summer, use the fresh new energy of January to your advantage. 

This month we are being asked to let go of preconceived ideas and structures that we have in place that will not serve us moving forward. Where are you stubborn or rigid? I am seeing some stubbornness and a unwillingness to be flexible in January coming up for many. Either you’re in reaction to it, or you are doing it. This is the month to open yourself up to NEW things, be flexible and open to things working out in ways you did not expect.  So many BIG feelings I see coming up this month, so be mindful of yours and yours alone. They are showing me an up and a down trend in January with a positive end, so stay optimisic and trust the processes. Covid, Trump and economy issues will be very active in January, so stay your course! 

In 2021 I am feeling a great healing energy, grief and fear are being stripped away there is a stronger feeling of  ease, compassion, empathy and connection. It is almost as if 2020 broke people open in preparation for this year. The theme of connection and collaboration will be a theme of 2021, as 2020 expanded the desire for true connection. 

In numerology 2021 is a 5 year, which actually means CHANGE and PERSONAL FREEDOM.  This is the year to take the chances to change your life for the better. This year is about inviting in DESIRED change, as opposed to having change  put upon you.  The 4 energy of 2020 is  a preparation year, so see how 2020 prepared you to step into who you really are. The 4 is an energy of building a NEW foundation, discipline, hard work, gathering new data and  long-range goals. As we move into the new 5 year the energy is more about opening to new visions, trying new things, allowing in new solutions. The continuation of uncertainty and walking into the unknown will continue, but in a way where you will be surprised and delighted. 

Affirmation for January: I release fear and move forward with clarity and trust. I have the power to direct my own destiny. 

In January the trauma of 2020 will still be very much alive for many, but there will be a glimmer of hope in the air.  Stay flexible and curious and focused on what YOU can do to take care of yourself.  This year will bring a feeling of liberation in contrast to the escapism many experienced in 2020. 

2021 brings more connections, more solutions, and a feeling of restored faith in humanity. Go into this year with a clear intention and strategy, for the year, but be willing to listen to your intuition for any needed course changes along the way. This will be a fun, creative year with many good surprises on the horizon!

My January Radio Show will be LIVE Saturday January 2nd at 9am PST where you can call in and speak to me! 

Click HERE or below for call in number and to access my show!

Many Blessings,
