February Energy Update 2021

February Energy Update 2021

Hello Everyone!

Many felt a weight lifted last week, that maybe you didn’t realize they were carrying for the past 4 years. Biden’s presidency definitely shifted the energetic field in a way none of us expected, the trajectory of the energy has changed drastically, which is great, but there is a long road ahead for the U.S. and the planet and the repair process is just beginning.

There is MUCH healing and fixing that needs to be done, and it will not be an overnight process. Biden isn’t perfect, but I think most of us feel like we can “relax” now because a grown up is in charge that is not run by his ego. Biden represents the opposite of the toxic male as he is being called “soft” and “weak” by some, due to his lack of force and fight energy. When in truth, this is the energy of the new power.  New energy power is collaboration, unity, kindness, heart, and divine famine aspects. Knowing your weaknesses and knowing your strengths helps attract the needed resources to help us all on our individual journeys. Watching the INCREDIBLE women coming into power in the truth of who they are in so inspiring to me! 2021 is the year we remember our power in the divine feminine energy! Love is the greatest power, while hate and shame are our greatest weaknesses.

February energy is MUCH lighter than the entirety of last year, so that is great. The themes for February are commitment, exchange of gifts, accepting blessings, and being in the flow, oh and big surprise, more change.

We have been talking about the “new” energy” for a long time, and now here we are. I use the example of once you finally get something you have wanted and then there is something else and something else. So, what is our next move? As always, it is doing whatever you can do to align with source. Your way. SO much wounding has been brought up over the past year, around control, fairness, wellness, security, and survival, and now we must do something about it. In fact, the wounds of this country were centuries in the making and now the collective finally has the tools and awareness to deal with them. Those who continue to move away from their own calling of source, will suffer. Not because they are being punished but because that is how it works. No one connected to source will ever harm another. Only disconnected, wounded people seek to control or do harm.

As we enter February, there is a palpable change in the air that feels like an open field of possibility! This is not the time to get lazy, or apathetic. This is the beginning of the picking up of action energy. Still in the sprouting stages, but don’t be surprised if you feel extra creative and inspired this month. The creative energy and solutions will continue to pick up speed as the year goes on. Stay on course in your personal goals. Now that our focus has shifted from all the drama and chaos, some may be faced with feelings of stuckness or overwhelm that got buried due to being distracted by the world stages events. The solutions and resolutions are here, even if we can’t see them yet.

“In order for things to change, you have to see them as you WANT them to be rather than continuing to observe them as they are.” -Abraham Hicks

This month marks a commitment to the new energy, that means that if you are still in self-sabotage or have resistance to believing you can achieve your goals, then this is the month to turn that around. This is the month to begin something new, but remember it is a marathon, not a sprint. One day at a time, in regard to putting action toward your goals. When in alignment very little action heads great results. Doing less, receiving more;-)

See this month as a blank slate!  See it as a reset, an open space for you to create what YOU want the rest of this year.

There is an opening this month to bring in your soul connections moving forward. A true exchanging of gifts, and win, win relationships. People are ready. YOUR people are ready.  ACCEPT help, ask for help, many are ready to be of service.

Structures have collapsed, but new ones are beginning to be built this month. If you haven’t been working, this is a month to pick up a new job, or project.  Accept blessings, say yes to new opportunities and go with the flow!

February is an Aquarius month, so that means art, nature and flow energy are where you will see the most strides forward. You can’t force air, so set an intention and see where the road leads!

My FEBRUARY Radio Show will be LIVE Saturday February 6th at 9am PST where you can call in and speak to me! 

Click HERE for call in number and to access my show or below! 

Many Blessings,