February Energy Update 2020

February Energy Update 2020

What is coming to me as I feel for what February will bring, is a sense of going BEYOND what we believe we could be. If you didn’t get it at the end of January, you will this month; it is time for a wake up call. I have realized in setting my own intentions for 2020 and the next decade of my life, that when I asked myself:

What would I need to believe in order for this to manifest? Who would I need to be to match what I desire? The answer surprised me. I need to be more than I have ever been. I need to believe that I am capable of more. I was inspired to believe that I can go beyond my perceived limits and get myself to where I have ALWAYS wanted to be. I find that so many of us dumb down our desires to match our beliefs instead of bringing our beliefs UP to our desires.

In February, ask yourself, if you had a magic wand, what would you create? Once you have that answer what do you need to change to line up with that desire? What is keeping you from manifesting that? If you want to create millions, or find a partner, feel for where you are around these subjects. If you feel excited, you are on your way there. On the other hand, if you feel discouraged, investigate that wobble in your belief. Remember Desire + Belief= Manifestation.  For most of us past experience or using other people’s opinions as a guide instead of our own guidance system is what fogs our view.  Decide that you are going to tell a NEW story about who you are. Make your own path, your way! Be brave, be bold, be you. It’s time to wake up to your true self! 

Think about how you can prioritize and reinvent yourself this month. January was about starting new habits and patterns, while reconnecting us with what is REALLY going on inside of us and why we came here.  Our soul’s purpose is always something that activates LOVE and PASSION within us. If you didn’t find what lights you up yet, that means you are simply disconnected from your true gifts and talents, so ask to be shown where your heart wants to go. 

Many were faced with continued feelings of grief, rage, and frustration as they moved through the past few months. The journey back to yourself can be a bumpy one, but moving through trapped emotions is great movement forward. These feelings may also manifest as physical pain, or other body issues for many. 

Physical issues of any kind are just indicators of very old, resistant energies that have gained a lot of momentum. The pain or discomfort can take so much focus that it can be one of the harder energies to turn around quickly, but it can and will be done if you do the work. 

For me, old feelings and patterns around not allowing myself to be supported came up this past month, as a reminder that I need to clean up that old energy. Hopefully you are coming out of January ready for the next chapter.

For those of you that do not know, I was a singer/actress for most of my life which is what brought me to this work, and part of my full expression. I began writing songs and singing when I was 7 years old and have a very distinct memory of never feeling good enough. My voice, songs, look, and weight were never good enough. I didn’t have the range or sound I wanted.  I was always nervous and afraid, yet the pull and call toward music was so strong. I loved music, but not until my 20’s were there times that I really loved doing it. I loved playing and singing and collaborating with others, and sometimes I loved performing.  The “business” part of music always exposed my lack of belief in myself, so I attracted some horrible treatment which led me to who I am today.  I had some successes but never got what I really wanted because the person I saw myself as wasn’t a match to the person I truly wanted to be. 

So now, at 43, living an AMAZING life with a wonderful husband, 2 beautiful kids, a healthy body, a wonderful business, supportive like-minded friends, family support and abundance, I am FINALLY seeing that the ONLY area that I have not fulfilled is music. In the past 6 months I have been writing and singing several times a week and written 15 new songs. I am feeling better and better. BUT I started comparing myself to other singers, and all I could think was, I am not as good as they are. I did it again! The core belief is that when I am fully ME it won’t be great, so I never let myself be me. Now, I don’t give a @#&k anymore! There are no more age pressures or constraint. I can just do it FOR ME. So that is what I am doing. ME FOR ME!

I share this all with you because I know that there are many that share this type of story. So in February focus on coming home to yourself! Don’t look for certainty, feel for excitement and passion. Don’t look for the familiar; go toward the unknown. Your life will be different when you let yourself be different! 

February is also about what is unfinished. In order to open new doors we must close old ones, as you naturally start to move toward the truth of who you are, the things that do not match that will become more apparent. That means that you are outgrowing your old, limited self and need to make room for the true you. Make your intention to uncover the treasure that is inside you and tap into your unlimited potential. 

On the world stage anger, fear, grief and us vs  them will still be very active, so try not to engage with this energy. It’s not your circus unless you continue to give it your focus. Remember to intend for harmony, equality, peace and love for all.

Wishing you a wonderful month ahead!

Check out my Podcast this Saturday February 1st at 9am PST! Call in to speak to me live or listen later!

See below for details! 

Many Blessings,
