March Energy Update 2020

March Energy Update 2020

Hello Everyone,

Spring is in the air, and this is the first month when it feels like 2020 has actually begun! In the past two months you have had to dig deep to reawaken your true passion, soul desire and gain clarity on your path, without limits. Did you let yourself dream big? That was the goal. 

Now, what resistance came up as a result? Are you paying attention? The dreaded HOW will I get there, is what usually brings up resistance. Remember the “how” is the Universe’s job, but the feeling good and listening to your inner being is yours. You are being guided every minute of the day. The better you feel, the more you are on the path to what you want.

“You have to begin to the tell story of your life as you now want it to be and discontinue the tales of how it is now” –Abraham-Hicks

This theme of the stories we tell kept coming up in preparation for this months update, so here it is. I listen to my clients, friends, and family tell the same stories over and over again. Some serve them and some don’t. Stories of how hard things were or are, the turmoil in politics, negative health issues, money issues, fear, ALL watering the plant you do not want to grow. Now, I want to specify right here and say that you should always look directly at all fear and resistance, and STOP re-telling that story and use your past to write your new future. 

“You do not have to go after anything, everything you want is coming to you” –Abraham-Hicks

We immediately want to push and take action instead of just enjoying the clarity of our desires. Fear, worry, and expectation of difficulties is what needs to be released to move forward with ease for the rest of the year. Examine where you expect things to be “hard” or the belief that you “failed” already is still active. These are deep and difficult wounds that will trap you in depression and anxiety. 

“Just envision it working out, skip over the how and the where the when and the who, and stay focused on the what and the why”– Abraham-Hicks

March is now about where you are walking! One of the themes for this month is CHOICE. What are the small choices you can make every day toward what you desire? Choose good foods, drink water, choose to talk to a good friend. Choose to exercise or go for a walk. Choose to meditate and write on your journal. Choose to be creative and open. Choose to be vulnerable, and open your heart. Your life is in your hands, and these small choices make up your day. Are your words, feelings and actions matching the direction you want to go? 

As the world around us is in the beginning of a regeneration and healing phase. Don’t be surprised if everything that seems to be going in one direction suddenly changes its path. In the next few months be prepared to be surprised! Shocking turns of events and surprising new truths will be revealed on the world stage from March to the end of June. 

As individuals and the collective we can no longer hold on to what must die. The racism, sexism, abuse, and greed are in our faces, because the light has been shined upon them. Remember to stay on the side of unity, humanity and love for our planet, people, animals and the environment. The new generations of children, teens and young adults came to help shift us into the era of the divine feminine; where the dominant energy is of kindness, generosity, oneness and acceptance. The new generations are not conforming to gender norms. They believe in more fluid sexuality, they are making their own rules with an amazing commitment to BE WHO THEY WANT TO BE no matter what the world tells them. I love this!!! More and more parents are forced to wake up and expand their range of acceptance because of their kids. This is the new era that is upon us. Whether it is this year or four years from now the old is dying, and the new is here. So, try not to worry so much about what you see now unfolding. It’s all old news. 

This month be willing to be the first one to open up and share. Most wait for someone else to give them permission to be who they are. Instead, be willing to be open and vulnerable. Remember that prosperity is born through authenticity. Have the courage to be yourself, and the world will reward you. 

You have an invitation to be the best YOU that you want to be! That is where all your power is.  What does the best version of yourself look like? For me it is confident, powerful, ageless, fit, happy, fun, uplifting, loving and connected.

Another theme for March is FAITH. We must act in faith that all we desire is already coming to us. We must know that well-being abounds and that all good things are coming no matter what it looks like now. We must know and have faith that our inner being has our back and is taking us where we want to go! 

Tune in for my Blog Talk Radio Show or call in to speak to me live! Saturday Match 7th at 9am PST. See details below.

Have a great month.

Many Blessings,
