April Energy Update 2023

April Energy Update 2023

Hello Everyone, 

If there was a theme song for this month it would be FIREWORK by Katie Perry. 

“You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July

‘Cause baby, you’re a firework
Come on, show ’em what you’re worth
Make ’em go, “Oh, oh, oh”
As you shoot across the sky
Baby, you’re a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make ’em go, “Oh, oh, oh”
You’re gonna leave ’em all in awe, awe, awe”

We are in the middle of a powerful period from March to May 2023 where facing the TRUTH will be vital. The truth of your desires, the truth of how powerful you are and the truth of what is no longer working in your life. This is a continued time of appraisal and clarity. 

Examine what you SAY you want but may be afraid of getting. This is the time to clear up any inner conflicts that are still active within you. The way to FEEL this, is to act like you have gotten what you desire. Then, what is your first thought? How do you feel now that this thing has manifested? Great exercise either way! 

In fiery April embrace your passion and deepest desires. Aries is the baby of the zodiac and encourages independence, passion, child-like joy and new beginnings. Planted seeds will begin to bloom as we meet spring. We will see projects and opportunities coming out of nowhere. So fun if you are ready for it! You will know you are if you feel hopeful, and generally good:)

If you try and escape reality, it will find you. These months epitomize facing yourself. In order to grow, you must be willing to be uncomfortable and TRY A NEW APPROACH. Find your courage and dig deep this month to go beyond your comfort zone. Do not miss the opportunity that this month is bringing you by being too married to your agenda. Be flexible and open and let the Universe surprise and delight you. 

Vulnerability is our true power and we must embrace all the parts of ourselves in order to create the life we want. Own your weaknesses and your strengths. That is how we can truly access our own unique greatness.  

This will be a less emotional, and more of an action-filled, playful month. So set the intention to have fun and let things flow TO YOU. THEN take the action. Wait for the organic impulses to act, instead of just busying yourself. Set the stage by daily meditation and intention setting. 

This is the time to DECIDE. Are you going to let fear and self-doubt define you, or are you going to step into your true power? Be willing to take your life into new directions. If you don’t know what they are then ask the Universe to SHOW YOU. 

On the world stage and internally it is time for a revolution!

Over the next 3 years there will be issues that catalyze massive change on many levels. This is your time to get clear on what needs to be revolutionized in your own life. 

When you identify a desire, the Universe opens endless doors for you to get there. Our job is to stop putting up roadblocks in the form of doubt, fear, and negative beliefs. Stop beating yourself up and flip the script. You are the only one who has power over YOUR experience. Own it.

If you feel badly, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Shift, pivot, soften, whatever it takes. It helps me to reach for what is important to me and to identify the FEELING I am seeking. Works every time to help me refocus. 

This month give yourself permission to truly LIVE and COME ALIVE! 
