September Energy Update

September Energy Update

Hello Everyone,

Wow was August a ride! Some much good and some challenges. I hope you are ending the month on a high note with a good sense of how you want the rest of your life to go.

We are in a period of extremes. Big ups and big downs. If you are still in a place of frustration, disappointment, fear or insecurity, this will be a hard time for you. I have had so many clients that had major difficulties this month and mostly it is due to needing to have a breakdown in order to really start new fresh patterns, without carrying the past with them any longer. 

I have to give you all some tough love right now, because I have been hearing so many of you keep justifying and arguing for your negative emotions and it keeps you from really letting in all you desire.

So first, IT IS ALL ATTRACTION. It is all YOU, even if it appears to be others, or some circumstance you believe you have no power over. You are the only one who has power over what is in your experience. Everything that comes to you is a reflection of what you believe, what you expect and what you have been practicing vibrationally.

If you are feeling fear you cannot manifest safety. You must find a way to feel safe and calm. Then the manifestations that support that will follow.

If you are feeling insecure, you cannot manifest power and confidence. You must find a way to empower and feel good about yourself.

If you are feeling angry you cannot reach peace. You must find compassion, empathy and acceptance in order to attract the treatment you really deserve.

If you are still blaming others, the world or outside circumstances for your problems, you cannot get where you want to go. NO MATTER HOW RIGHT YOU ARE, it only takes you and your own life down. You must choose what you want in your experience and then speak, write and think in that direction. It is time for an energetic upgrade.

We are entering Virgo energy which is wise, reliable and grounded with great opportunity for a FRESH START. As we come out of Leo season this is a great month to really lay down the new habits (mediation, exercise, writing) and get organized!
Mercury is retrograde in (especially affecting Virgo and Libra) all month, so it will bring the opposite energy as well. Moments of chaos, with moments of clarity. There will be definite obstacles coming up but clear ways to get around them. The retrograde will also bring awareness to what you need to integrate into your life as well as what strategies are no longer working.

This month is about BALANCE and laying a foundation of systems that support you. So many allow themselves to get so drained emotionally and energetically. Find what fills you up, lifts you up and recharges you.

It is time to upgrade your levels of happiness and peace. Do whatever it takes to tap into your true powerful energy this month, and watch how things flow for you the rest of the year! 

My Saturday September 3rd show will be LIVE 9am PST, call in to speak to me at (845) 277-9390 and see below for more information.

Many Blessings,