September Energy Update 2023

September Energy Update 2023

Listen to Update HERE.

We are leaving a fiery Leo month and moving into detail-oriented Virgo in September. There will be a SHIFT from a more open, expansive feeling to an earthy, grounded more focused energy.  While August brought up passions, people and connections, September brings more attention to detail, specifics, focus on self and being productive and efficient.

We are leaving the macro, big picture and moving to the micro, details. That means we are moving from a general, overview to a more specific, closer view of our own lives. This is when the small steps to reach your BIG dreams will start coming in. The day-to-day work will be very important. Are you putting energy where you want it to go daily?

EXERCISE: Write out what you want to create, the steps that need to come to get you there and then YOUR to do list and THE UNIVERSE’S To-Do list.

Look at the list daily and feel for which feels the best to do that day.

September brings us down to earth. Dealing with life on life’s terms, which can bring up resistance for those of us that are free spirits. You may have a lot of details or things that need to be dealt with and handled. This is the time to finally do all the small tasks you have been avoiding. Line up the energy, then take the action to make room for more movement forward.

In these types of months money, where you are spending, things you need to fix etc., will come up.  Things that need to be dealt with will be revealed. Your job is to listen to your impulses and move on them!

Watch for what is subtly draining your energy for the next few months and make the necessary adjustments. The energy on the planet and in the USA is intensifying and you want to make sure you are solid when massive change and movement occurs. We are here to be part of the expansion and new energy so get yourself ready.  Take care of loose ends and anything you have been carrying anxiety about. This is the month to handle your business!!

I recommend using this time to celebrate the small wins, and be excited about any small steps forward. Acknowledge and appreciate any amount of small progress and before you know it you will make a quantum leap to where you want to be.

Energetically this is a great opportunity to increase your self-worth and financial proficiency. This means educating yourself on your money and doing the focus work to gain greater energetic control of your finances.

You may find that if you are in a more balanced state you will be called in a more powerful way to help others. If you are good with details, people will need your help!

I love a good productive month! You should feel like you are in a new place and moving forward by the end of September.

As a reminder I have raised my rates I will now charge $150 for 30 minutes, will be adding in a 45 minute session for $225 and $300 for 1 hour Sessions

Many Blessings,