October Energy Update 2023

October Energy Update 2023

You can LISTEN to Update HERE.
I love this time of year, fall begins, and holiday season is underway. In these final months of 2023 use this time to pre-pave for the intense energies of 2024. We are getting a small reprieve for the next few months so enjoy it.

This is a good time to take it easy, not strive to “make” things happen but instead set the stage in your own energy for things to flow to you.

Moving from earthy Virgo to airy Libra brings a distinct shift in energies. Libra is all about balance. This is a good time to assess:

1) What is out of balance in my life? What do I need to honor myself more?

2) Where do you compromise your own energy to create balance? (Work or family?) Where can I be more authentic?

3) What feels unfair? Instead of pushing against, what are you advocating for?

4) Where can I cultivate more peace in my daily life?

5) How can I take steps towards supporting myself emotionally more?

We are in a time of a powerful paradigm shift. From DOING to BEING. From EFFORT to EASE. This month, seek out peace and ease as best you can. Air energy invites you to breathe deeper, savor moments and go with the flow. This can be difficult while life is coming at you, but the energies are supporting you!

I love the “Wouldn’t it be nice…” exercise for this month. With a light touch, ponder what would be nice to include in your experience in the coming months.

There will still be life coming at you, so if you can hold your calm and peace, you will not get caught up in the power struggles. Instead, you will be part of the solutions coming in.

In the entertainment industry there is much fear and panic setting in due to the strikes. It appears the power to create work, money or connections has been taken from artists.

Instead, it is an opportunity for artists, writers, and actors to OWN FULLY their powerful value in this world.

As an individual it is time to own your true power and value so the world can finally reflect that back to you.

It is a hard pill to swallow, but IT IS ALL ATTRACTION. So racism, sexism, war, disease, poverty are all a result of disconnection from our true power on a collective level. We all need to replace our own insecurity with knowing our innate worthiness and value. It is time to embody the truth of who you are and who you want to be.

You should be noticing at this point in your journey that things that may have taken you down in the past will only affect you for a short time. You are learning to recalibrate faster. This is our powerful influence going into an intense 2024.

I want you to remember that your only true power is over your own alignment. You cannot control outside conditions, but you CAN do something about the way you feel.

“One in alignment is more powerful than millions who are not.”

-Abraham Hicks 

I will also be hosting Dee Wallace’s Conscious Creation Show this Sunday September 24th at 9am. Call 319-527-6305 to speak to me live during the show! See below for details.

As a reminder I have raised my rates I will now charge $150 for 30 minutes, will be adding in a 45 minute session for $225 and $300 for 1 hour Sessions

Many Blessings,