November Energy Update 2020

Hi Everyone,

October was a crazy month, and as I said in last month’s update, there were going to be “perceived” disappointments, and endings. This meant for some, upheavals and things coming to a head. As I have been saying, you cannot run from yourself anymore. Also, in the US we had several disappointments this month, we all know what I am talking about, including the senate induction. Please try not to be discouraged. 

Moving into November, we are ready for a fresh start. EVERYTHING IS CHANGING, are the words that come to my head as I write this. I feel like they haven’t stopped changing, but this change feels good. I feel the energy of re-sorting, chaos, rearranging of elements, not sure if this is in regard to the upcoming election or for the individual or both. Either way it means, new solutions, and concrete physical change that needs to happen. 

I must be honest and say it is hard for me to imagine a world where Trump wins again, so I have a strong bias in regard to feeling for what will happen. I DO know that we all must stop holding on to what must die, and endings come in many forms this month, so if you didn’t experience it last month you will this month. Ending can be good. End of suffering, poverty, health issues. Hopefully that means the end of Trump and Covid;-) 

Many were hit hard last month, as anything that you have been ignoring or that has been under the surface came up.  Feelings, darkness, fear, anxiety, physical issues and emotional swings. LOTS of physical symptoms coming up, as our bodies attempt to balance all we have going on inside of us. Let go of what is not working, so you can be reborn. My youngest son had a seizure out of nowhere. Hands down the most terrifying day of my life. He was recalibrating and had system overload. Thankfully he is back to normal and it appears to have moved through it. Not to mention my mother in law being sent to the emergency room twice this past month. She is also stable and recovering, thankfully. Major emotional rollercoaster exposing my deep feelings of powerlessness. 

Happily, I am getting the energy of blessings and disappearing obstacles for November.  Solutions are coming, hope is on the way. Don’t wait for the outside world to give you evidence of hope, find it within yourself in your own life. 

I am seeing a strong first charka, which represents safety and stability. FINALLY, there is a sense of safety and security that I am feeling for November. This means an allowance of letting ourselves feel more faith in our own power and security. I hope this means good news in the election;-) Either way, WE are the creators of our safety and security and the world is a reflection of what we believe. 

This month, examine where your loyalty and faith lye. Success is taking shape as the new world is awakening and we must continue to be honest with ourselves with where we really are. Where are you procrastinating or not choosing? We fear obstacles or failure, so we limit our reach. Think long term and line up your life with your North Star. Expand your vision for yourself and take steps to open to it every day. 

Let go of what does not serve the vision of your life. 

Reinforce CORE moral strength and the WHY you are doing what you  are doing. 

Listen to your heart not your head. Your heart will guide you to all your wishes being fulfilled. Personal power has been up as Covid and the state of the US government puts many in a state of feeling powerless, or like the “bad guy” bully is winning. This is a time of increasing power. It is not the time to be passive, but bold in your truth. We are the directors of our own destiny. Take charge of your life!!! 

Do your best to not go into FEAR (False, Evidence, Appearing, Real) and claim what you want to see in the world (as I state all the time!).  I know this has become redundant, but even the best of us can get triggered by the madness, unfairness, and wrongdoing.  We must be courageous and stand in our truth no matter what happens.  Everything is working out and happening for us. All is well, everything is getting better! 

My November  Radio Show will be LIVE Saturday November 7th at 9am PST where you can call in and speak to me! 

See below for link and details!

*Thank you to everyone who participated in the Manifestation Bootcamp and The Intuitive Voice Workshops! It was so fun, can’t wait to do more.

Many Blessings,