May Energy Update 2024

May Energy Update 2024


April did not disappoint with its massively disruptive energy! Conflicts, disappointments, break downs and breakthroughs were themes for many. Others had clarifying moments and realizations to help catapult them forward. Whatever April brought in for you, it was all meant to push you forcefully onto your path. Whatever you were not seeing, was up in your face so you could not ignore it! 

Many had to let go of what other people think, face the fear of being exposed in the world, and gained clarity on WHY they are not where you want to be yet. Seeing what you have been doing that has been keeping the things you want away.  Negative beliefs, thought patterns and habits that you have been using to self-sabotage or run from your true feelings were exposed. This is great news! When we know what the problem is we can move toward the solution and fill the gap. This is what May is about!

You should be starting May with a new outlook and a clear understanding of what is truly important to you and how you want to move forward. 

This month marks a NEW CHAPTER in your life is ready to begin. How will your new story go? As always, I encourage getting ahead of how you would like the next few months to go for you. Literally, write out what you would like to happen. What do you want to allow in? How do you want to feel? 

Astrologically we are moving out of the Mercury retrograde’s shadow and the aftereffects of the intense solar eclipse in Aries. This was meant to expose any cracks in your foundation. April should have brought to light where your true resistance and fears live. This is important because we cannot take them with us where we are going. Solution focus will become more dominant this month as a result. 

Thankfully we are moving into sturdy, earthy Taurus that should bring us some grounding and stability in May. 

May will bring in themes of core values, comfort, and security. Examine where you feel good, what people and environments you resonate most with etc. Look around at the people and circumstances in your life because they are all a reflection of pieces of you. This is a cleaning out period to make room and space for our expanded life. 

My husband’s father made his transition on April 20th, 5 months to the day after my grandmother. He was almost 103 and lived an amazing life. He was representative of stability, love and the rock of the family like my grandmother. These people leaving the planet is an invitation for more us to take on that role for ourselves. Be your own source of stability and love. Being so stable in ourselves that the Universe matches that love and security in all areas of our lives. 

Taurus can be rigid and resist change, so you may have to consciously choose joy not safety. This IS the time to embrace CHANGE, not resist it. Loose ends and things that have been in a holding pattern will open up this month. April brought delays and May brings finality, one way or a another. 

Take this month to evaluate your new personal values and priorities that came to light last month.  This may mean a major shift in your personal relationships or jobs/career.  You may find yourself unable to put up with any bullshit and have less bandwidth for certain people or circumstances. There will be a pull to express yourself in new ways and with more confidence. 

This month claim: I AM CONFIDENTLY ON MY PATH. I am listening and clearly guided toward everything I desire. 

This is a great time to welcome in expansion and new connections in all forms that match where you are going, not where you have been. Set the intention to expand your view of your life. Ask to be shown your greatness. Ask to be shown how powerful you are. That is where true safety and security comes from. Feeling secure about who you are in your true power. Let’s get it this month!! 

Many Blessings,
