June Energy Update 2021

June Energy Update 2021

Hello Everyone,

I hope you got through the high energy of May and had fun with it!  In June be ready to open the doors of opportunity! New paths and ways of doing things will be dominant in June. If the old pattern is no longer getting you where you want to go, In June try something new. A new avenue or approach is what this month can bring. Last month’s solutions to hold problems could come in and as a result new paths forward await! 

Instead of needing the world to change so you feel better, June also brings a sense of inner contentment. Tune into your inner peace while there may be a bustling of activity around you. This will be key in moving forward the rest of the year. Notice what energy is influencing your mood and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!! 

If you are still TRYING to make things happen, you will miss the great opportunity this month to LET THINGS BE EASY!!!  Catch yourself engaging in negativity or fear in order to connect with others. Stop focusing on what you don’t have and instead appreciate what you DO have. 

Another theme I am feeling for June is COURAGE. We cannot resist change anymore, as staying stagnant will only increase suffering.  Are you willing to see yourself for who you REALLY are? Are you willing to make the inward and outward changes toward your desired outcome? Most fear, disappointment, failure, being alone or loss. As we have processed self-doubt, the courage to stand in your truth and imperfect PERFECTION is called for now. Ask for the courage to walk your true path. June brings an opening of new doors and experiences if you will let them in. 

I also see a RELATIONSHIP focus in the coming months. Any problems in relationship will be amplified and any unspoken issue will rise to the surface and NEED to be expressed. Practice vulnerable, open, respectful communication. I feel a strong MALE energy in an old way of closed off communication for many so we must consciously move into the divine feminine expression of kind, compassionate, love-based communication this month. 

Intensity with individuals is very high. People WILL BE falling into relationship traps and holes. Don’t be one of those people. If you are wanting NEW people in your life, you must bring what you would want to your current relationships. Watch for old patterns in relationships coming up this month. There is a great opportunity to CHANGE relationship patterns moving forward. Remember that you can only control what YOU are bringing, but as you feel secure in who you are, you can attract different aspects of people, more pleasing ones. 

The world will continue to serve us a lot of distraction and chatter, which creates fear, judgment and concern for how we are perceived.  This month build a solid foundation of listening to divine guidance and not others.  Most people are out of alignment and want to talk you into their own limitations. You can feel the deflated feeling when someone is being “realistic” in crushing what you desire.  When you are in your true self you will feel alive and energized!! You will feel powerful and unstoppable. You may be faced with nay-sayers and more fear in June; decide not to go with the crowd;-) Let YOUR doors open and remember that if one doesn’t open, it isn’t your door, but your door is coming! 

In general, there are the false beliefs that we MUST let go of in June: 

I need to suffer to get what I want.  

Life is hard and unfair. 

It’s hard to make money.

I am too old.

I don’t know how it’s possible.

I am not safe putting myself out there. 

Instead, amplify: 

What I want flows to me easily and I have fun along the way!

Life loves me and blesses me! 

Money flows to me constantly! 

I am vital, energized and feeling wonderful!

I don’t need to know how, I need to know WHAT and WHY. 

I am safe and powerful putting myself out in the world! 

I plan on doing a combination workshop in August 2021.  It will be a Being Your Authentic Self and Manifesting the Life you Want! Please email me at nadia@intuitionbynadia.com to reserve your spot. 

My Saturday June 5th Radio Show at 9am PST will be LIVE! Call in to speak to me live. Click below for more info! 

Many Blessings,
