June Energy Update 2018

June Energy Update 2018

Hello Everyone!

May was a fast moving month and I hope you felt the pulse of excitement and potential this last month brought.  I know I was busy, getting ready to move to Amsterdam!

As I write this we are days away from moving for I don’t know how long! Talk about walking into the unknown. I have had to adopt radical trust and have encountered some massive resistance along the way in dealing with having to pack and move less than a year after we moved into my dream house. The process of getting there is what needs to be looked at in the coming month.  Can we allow ease, flow, in our daily journey? Can we allow the Universe to show up for us in the form of perfect timing, lovely people and perfectly lined up circumstances… YES PLEASE!


The themes for June are:

RESISTANCE, learning to acknowledge, manage it and release it. This means noticing and examining your resistance with the intention of releasing it. I always ask myself 3 questions:

What am I afraid of?

What do I want right now? (If I am in resistance that means I have a strong desire for something)

Am I completely willing and entirely ready to let this go and turn it over to my higher self/God/Source to manage this for me?

Then I simply state, I AM LISTENING.

TRUSTING YOURSELF, and that everything you are creating is taking you where you want to go. Developing trust and faith in your inner guidance is crucial moving forward at this point. We must get out of the habit of making decisions by analyzing, which is merely second guessing ourselves, and moving out of trust.

TRUSTING and KNOWING that everything will be ok no matter what. There is the potential to have a huge shift this month in releasing anxiety at a core level. I invite you to examine and release all areas in which anxiety (AKA Fear) takes over (Health, Money, Relationships, Career etc..).  

We know that “as you believe” comes to you, so begin to open to the KNOWING that you are going to be ok and you are surrounded by love and guidance always.

As we move into summer the internal changes will begin to become external, so notice how you could think of something small you need, then it appears in front of you hours to days later. Own that YOU are truly powerful and able to manifest the way you want.

We must move out of the energy of painting ourselves into a corner and not allowing the highest unfolding. For example, we have a million things to do to move us all to Amsterdam, this has forced me to let go and allow the highest circumstances as I truly have no control over the lines at the airport, the flight, the kids moods etc.. What I do have control over is what I intend, holding my balance and making this whole journey FUN!!

I have noticed that since I set that intention even the most mundane errands are filled with lovely connections with people, easy parking, no traffic and done faster that I thought.

This month, pay attention to where you say “NO” to something from a fear based place. Practice asking yourself, how does this feel? Then you can discern if you have resistance or you are really getting that isn’t the right choice for you right now.  Only you truly know what is best for you.

My friend Jennifer reminded me a wonderful intention to set, and I am intending it now:

I am open to seeing magic and miracles unfold in every area of my life

Continue to listen to the call of your inner being. This month work on developing new skills like channeling, healing, or intuitive readings. There is so much at the surface now the energy is easier to read than ever before. This is a time of great receptivity, so pay attention to what you are receiving! It may feel like your own thoughts, as spirit can feel subtle. That is why mediation is so crucial is turning down the volume of “what is” and turning up the volume of where we are being led.

We are being encouraged to step fully into our power and into the life we want to lead. Claim that all you need is coming to you. There is so much we cannot see yet, but it doesn’t mean it is not real. Get into the feeling place of what you desire, and it must come to you.

Check my radio show this week! Tune in for the live show Saturday June 2nd at 9am PST, where you can call in and speak to me or listen any time after that at the same link!

Call 619-924-0905 to speak to me on the air! Thank you for your support!

Many Blessings,
