July Energy Update 2021

July Energy Update 2021

Hello Everyone, 

New doors and avenues became available to us in June and relationship came to the forefront, for better or for worse. This journey of 2021 is toward empowerment and getting clarity on who you want to be moving forward in all areas of your life. A small reminder that if a door isn’t opening, it is not your door, so ask the Universe to bring you what is YOURS. 

July brings a heightened awareness of Big Self vs. Small Self as many will be easily triggered this month. When we are in our Big Self, we are kind, open, loving, generous, compassionate, powerful, and attracting what we want. Big Self is awesome, balanced, and productive. Small Self is fearful, in doubt, anxious, frustrated, negative and pessimistic. Be very aware of which self you are being because the disparity will be getting more and more obvious. In the coming months Small Self will feel worse and worse. 

Tensions of opposites will be on the rise in July.  What this means is soothing and being ok with people that are different than you and a coming to a head of inner conflicts as well. Do you best to honor other peoples’ journeys and bring to the relationship what you want to see. With yourself get clear on what belief serves you. An inner conflict is when we want two things at the same time, but they appear to contradict each other. Instead look for the YES AND, instead of thinking in black and white.  We are powerless over other people, but not over what we choose to bring to the table. Be aware of the need to be RIGHT or prove your point, instead of LISTENING and opening to harmony. 

Reconnections with people from your past, and clarity on who and what energies you want in your life will also be a theme in July, so be open to WHY these people are coming back into your life. 

This month ask yourself: what am I getting and not getting from the most important relationships in my life? What am I giving in this relationship, and what do I expect in return? Lastly, what do I WANT from my relationships? This re-evaluation of relationships will be a continuous theme as we are letting go of our Small Selves, many of our relationships will shift, change and some people will leave your experiences making room for new ones, while others we will draw closer to us. Every relationship holds up a mirror and brings with it a gift: look for the gifts 😉 

There should be a newborn motivation in July. Something inside you is ready to awaken and get out in the world in a new way. 

I am being told to widen the scope of what you believe is possible. Widen your reach of what you want. Many will feel stuck in an old way of thinking as July brings some conflict regarding fear and control. The illusion that things outside of you can control what YOU attract will be tested this month. Remember IT IS ALL ATTRACTION. Especially in regards to relationships, where it feels like we need something FROM someone, we must reframe what we want in general terms, and it will come, maybe not through the person we want. Think about the essence of what you are asking for; connection, love, friendship, affection etc. and let the Universe bring it to you. 

My Being Your Authentic Self and Manifesting the Life you Want!  Virtual Workshop will be held on August 21, 2021 9am-11am PST .Please email me at nadia@intuitionbynadia.com to reserve your spot.

My Show will be live Saturday July 3rd at 9am PT! See below for details and call in instructions.

Many Blessings,
