July Energy Update

July Energy Update

June brought some heat while July brings Cancer’s watery flow. Cancer is a deeply sensitive sign and can be insecure and anxious when out of balance. So this month be prepared to feel your feelings in a big way!  Be prepared to clean up any left-over insecurities that may be lingering.

July will be about “going deep” and getting to the CORE of issues. You may find that superficial will not suffice. July cuts through the BS and gets to the TRUTH.

This will be hard month to stay in denial. The energy is revealing what is really the root of an issue. As Abraham always says; there are 2 ways that we know what we are emitting; how we feel and what is manifesting. Your true set point will be revealed to you. Most will have a mix that they were not aware of. DISCERNMENT is a word I love to use because sometimes we can get hints of old or negative influence that you may be ignoring. You must know where you are in order to change it.  Hint: it is always hidden in what is still triggering you. Your feelings, as always, are your guide.

Examine where you are SAYING one thing and DOING another.  Congruency and consistency will be key. This means that you need to make sure your energy and your words match as well as your daily actions.
Themes for the rest of the year will include VULNERABILITY and experiencing the power of being open when we are feeling deeply. Use this month to strengthen that muscle. Most shut-down or put a wall up when they are hurt or afraid, this month is about going TOWARD the feeling. This will set you free.

July will also be about creating safety and security and home life. Cancer can easily feel emotionally unsafe, so be aware of that energetic influence.

Speaking of safety, a great friend of mine had a discussion about attachment styles. For those of you who don’t know, I am a trained MFT (Marriage, Family Therapist) and determining attachment styles is a way that we can help come up with a treatment plan for clients. It is based on how you emotionally responded to your childhood events and how you translated them into your relationships into adulthood. Inner child works goes hand in hand with deep emotional exploration. This month you may hear that call from little you.

Click HERE if you are interested in exploring your attachment style.  Some of you may be a combination of several of them, and this is an opportunity to see if any childhood trauma is still affecting your current relationships. Attachment style is about how we connect and communicate, so it will affect how you communicate your emotional needs, and how you perceive and deal with vulnerability and closeness, how you deal with conflict and expectations in relationships. I love building self-awareness and I believe we need to truly acknowledge where we are before we can change it. Hope this helps!

Remember that the world is always reflecting to you what you expect, believe or have practiced. This month, be kind to yourself, share your feelings with someone you trust, and open to a deeper understanding of how worthy, lovable and powerful you truly are.

To LISTEN to this month’s update CLICK HERE.

Many Blessings,
