April Energy Update 2018

April Energy Update 2018

Hello Everyone!

We are moving from March’s wide open, expansive energy to April’s more inward focus, with a desire for deeper connections with the world around us. March may have left you feeling exposed and open with no idea where you are headed…If so, then you are exactly where you should be.  

This month is about allowing miracles and magic into your every day life by embracing the unknown and being in the moment.

The “resurrection” of Jesus celebrated this week, is also a symbol of our own rebirth and resurrection. A resurrection of the truth of the power that is within us all.

I started doing this work many years ago, because somehow I always knew that each and every one of us had the power to heal ourselves, and manifest the lives we wanted to live. So here we are. There are more of us on the planet now that are awake then ever before, and the younger generations are coming in knowing their power in a way that will help facilitate change for the whole planet.  These are exciting times.

Use this month to celebrate the rebirth of the you!  Have the courage to identify who you want to be, then own it, claim it, be it.

I do not consider myself religious, but I believe that Jesus came here to remind us that we are ALL the sons and daughters of God, and that we are more powerful than we can imagine. Now is the time to awaken to the truth of what is inside of us.

You are required to make a decision now, to follow your spirit and let it guide you to who you came here to be OR to do what you have always done. We are in the middle of a huge transformation that is taking us to the other side of so many issues that have felt stuck for so long! The new energy is here we must ride the wave or get beat up by it.

Part of that will be finding a new way of managing irritation and frustration on a daily basis. Doing our best to soothe ourselves in those moments. You are probably completely justified to what is irritating you, but we must find a way to let it go for our own sake. Asking yourself, “What do I need right now?”can be very helpful.  It may be to vent, to breath, walk away or simply let it go in that moment. I know that for me I have movements every day of overwhelm, and frustration that seem to feel bigger than ever before. As our lives expand, it requires more allowing and less control, which is hard for my A-type personality. Also, my moments of love and appreciation are bigger than they have ever been, so when I fall, I fall hard! Balancing the daily irritations will open up the energy for more flow, ease and magic! We all need that right now.

Another theme this month that we cannot get away from is the realization that ALL your relationships are a reflection of you. Be aware not to take the world or other people’s stuff personally, but instead pay attention to what wound it is bringing up in you. Examine what is being activated and see if this has been a theme in your relationships. We can gain huge insights and clarity to our personal wounding and triggers when we are willing to see that EVERY reaction we have is coming from something inside of us (no matter how WRONG the other person is ;-).

We are in the process of calling in all “our” people, so we must clean up any old toxic relationship patterns at this time.

That being said, connecting with others that we feel loved and safe with, will be key this month. Getting out of solitude, letting go of feeling alone, and being willing to open ourselves up just a little more will be key. A lot of the people awakening at this time were deeply sensitive children, like myself.  I always felt like I didn’t belong and had a deep feeling of being alone. Most, like me, built walls to protect ourselves from the outside world. It is time to let the walls come crumbling down!! The world is changing and we are the ones on the leading edge.

In the new energy we cannot do things in the same fear based way, we must find the flow and ease now. We are so used to making things hard, and that will simply not heed the results we desire. More release and trust that you are exactly where you are supposed to be.

This month:EVERY DAY give energy to your personal vision. How is the you that you are today different from the you and your personal vision?

This month’s affirmations:

The universe is abundant!  I allow all that I desire to come to me in the perfect time in the perfect way.

All roads lead to my happiness.

Check my radio show this week! Tune in for the live show Saturday April 7th at 9am PST, where you can call in and speak to me or listen any time after that at the same link! Next month’s show I will be away for my 3 year old’s birthday, so I am pre-recording it. Please email me any questions you have and I will answer them on the air for my May 5th show.

Call 619-924-0905 to speak to me on the air! Thank you for your support!

Many Blessings,
