March Energy Update 2025

March Energy Update 2025


Hello Everyone, 

As expected, the world stage is attempting to evoke fear and powerlessness, and I urge you to not buy into what you are seeing. Yes, there are scary, chaotic things happening, but we must hold strong as all that isn’t coming from the light will be dismantled in the months and years to come. As I stated before, NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS. This voice just keeps getting louder. 

Continue to expect the unexpected as there are many more twists and turns to come. There may be a heightened amount of UFO sightings and some false sightings, so please use your discernment and inner truth gauge. I learned recently that if you ask 3 times if something is of the light and get yes 3 times, it is from the light. There will be A LOT coming at us in the months to come and this will be imperative. 

I will promise you that the best is yet to come but there will be much upheaval along the way. March will be the calm before the storm with some big reveals that will mark the beginning of more to follow. Where you are in relationship to the “storm” is up to you and your vibration. You can choose to be in the eye of it or simply an observer of it. Yet, we will all be affected in one way or another. Remember THIS IS WHAT WE CAME HERE FOR! 

By the end of March, I feel a major lifting of the veil, so many more will be in tune with what feels false and out of alignment than ever before. 

The energetic advice I am receiving for March, is that this is the time to process, transmute and deal with any leftover feelings of heartbreak, disappointment and loss. This month focus on SELF NURTURING and rebalancing your heart. We will be asked more than ever to hold the light in the latter part of the year, and this is our final prep time.

In the months to come there will be MASSIVE energetic changes and we must be ready. Reaching for your own inner peace even when the world has appeared to have gone mad, will be your superpower. 

In my last update I discussed a “unifying” event coming in the August/September time frame. I was later drawn to the channelings of Blossom Goodchild who channels the Federation of Light and has been for decades. In similar fashion to Neale Donald Walsch with “Conversations with God” rather than Abraham-Hicks, although all the messaging is the same. We are God. We create our lives. You can be, do or have anything you desire. In these channels they speak of another lockdown that will occur worldwide that will mark the slew of truths coming out and the beginning of us moving into Phase 2 of the 5 phases of New Earth. We are still in Phase 1, which is that “ THE LIGHT HAS WON.” This is why so many felt that the US Elections results felt so wrong, because we knew that light had won and this did not appear to match that. So, whatever you are seeing now is an illusion, because all that is true, all that is love has won, but we must purge and break it all down so we can rebuild this world with new powerful systems that serve ALL. 

They do not discuss the timing of this “lockdown,” but my feeling is it will be soon. I feel that the truths coming out that unify us as a people will be in the August/September timeline, so that makes me feel like the lockdown will be before that time, but I am unclear. Also,  the channel stated that this lockdown would be “under the guise of a virus,” which means there is nothing to fear. Its purpose will be to contain people as many HARD TRUTHS are revealed. The way the world functions has been made to keep us small and in fear, and all of this must come to an end as more of us KNOW WE ARE THE LIGHT. “The Federation of Light” offers a mantra that will help keep your vibration high and tuning to the highest truth: I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM THE TRUTH. I AM. Repeat this when you feel yourself dipping in vibration. 

We are about to enter the final legs of this marathon, and we are being asked to powerfully remember who we are. Unprecedented times are ahead and so much will happen in such a short time that we must have a solid foundation going into the rest of this year. 

The TRUTH is, this life is an illusion, we are a SOUL having a human experience and this is the time to embody and know this. 

The system we are in is made to suppress our true potential, and the amplified chaos we are experiencing is because it’s time for us to see and truly know all the truths of our world.

The months to come will challenge your relationship with uncertainty and your inner clarity of what is true and what is not. Also, the structure of our reality will begin to dismantle in ways that will be dysregulating but later freeing like we’ve had chains on that we didn’t know we had on, but we got so used to them that when they get removed, we don’t know that we can fly.

We are truly going to be breaking out of programming and breaking through massive generational trauma. For we know that we are the creators of our experience, and we chose to be here at this pivotal time to be a part of bringing our power, truth, peace, love and harmony to all. But first you must bring it to yourself.

Trust your own inner voice in the months to come. Know that ALL the darkness must come to light before anything can change. Stay strong and hold on to the KNOWING that this is all temporary and we are powerfully on our path to the world we want. The best is yet to come. Hold the light. We got this. Let’s go!

I will be hosting Dee’s Conscious Creation Show this Sunday March 2nd at 9am!

Tune in MARCH 2nd, 2025 SUNDAY  9 AM – 10 AM PST

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Call in to speak to me :  Connection PIN: 161329# dial *2 to raise your hand

Many Blessings,
