February Energy Update 2023

February Energy Update 2023

Hello Everyone, 

My oldest son had to do a Biography on a famous person this month. After his first pick, Martin Luther King was taken, my son chose Albert Einstein. 

I always knew Albert was a channel, a genius and ahead of his time but it was fun to see him through my son’s eyes. I was inspired to share his wisdom in this month’s Energy Update. 

I’d rather be an optimist and a fool than a pessimist and right– Albert Einstein 

This is a time to think beyond where you have been. See beyond what you can see and feel beyond what is happening in front of you. Be a fool. Believe it before you see it. Watch where you would rather be right than feel good. Care less about what OTHERS think and more about how YOU feel.

Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions- Albert Einstein

February is the last month you have to prepare yourself for things to speed up in March. Do not waste this opportunity to pre-pave how you want the rest of this year to go. Use visualization and writing to GET AHEAD OF IT. Remember that you get what you think about, so you might as well think about what you want instead of the absence of it. 

You never fail until you stop trying –Albert Einstein

This can be a LIFE CHANGING year for many. This year decide to realize you true potential. You have not failed, you are on your path, all is well, and everything is working out for you! 

Leaving a Capricorn month of building foundations and preparing the soil for planting new seeds, it’s now time to get more creative! We are moving from EARTH energy to AIRY Aquarius.This month think outside the box, go with the flow and open to new, creative ideas. Allow new doors to open and be willing to think BEYOND where you have been. This is a great time to go big or go home. 

To be who you want to be, you can no longer do what you have always done. 

 The measure of intelligence is the ability to change-Albert Einstein 

Be aware of a sense of “not enough” clouding your vision. Not enough money, love, joy, ease or support. This month give yourself what you are asking for from the world. You are being challenged to change the way you have been limiting yourself and do something about it. Take a risk. Claim your power and confidence.

Support and love are there for you, if you will look for them. 

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them- Albert Einstein

Problems WILL come up this month, old energy WILL be in your face this month, and you must find a way to pivot from problem to solution focus. Imagine a stick. On one end is the problem and on the other the solution. Ask yourself, which end am I advocating for right now? Which plant am I watering with this thought? 

February is the last calm, gentle month of the year, so enjoy it:)

Many Blessings,
