August Energy Update 2023

August Energy Update 2023

We are entering my Birthday month, and Leo energy means treating yourself like a Queen/King! We have already practiced putting ourselves first in July but Leo brings it to a new level. Set the intention to level up in August! 

The themes for this month are: Rest, Opening up to seeing the Big Picture in order to let in NEW Possibilities, Our Connections with Others and Managing Anxiety. 

From August to next March we are in a period of expansion. Your life needs to expand to the places you want it to go, or else you will feel suffocated. Set intentions for the coming months, as getting ahead of things will be a major advantage in the coming year.

Stuckness, frustration and depression are signs that you have a massive tug of war going on inside of you. It just means that you need put more attention on prioritizing the way you feel. 

REST: This month in lazy Leo, DO LESS, ALLOW IN more! Let the Universe be your personal assistant. Deliberately chill, and take care of your body. Energies are strong and will need more rest than normal. 

BIG PICTURE: This means seeing things from the point of view of the observer. Step back and see how in the micro there may be an “issue” but in the macro you know it is temporary and everything will work out. So many are creating problems getting BIGGER in order to create the breakthrough and solutions they need. The goal is to open to NEW possibilities and solutions and no longer box yourself into your old patterns. 

CONNECTIONS: There have been ups and downs in many peoples’ relationships this past year and this is the month to go towards true connections. Look for where you ARE on the same page and have common goals. Look for where you do connect instead of focusing on your differences. We all want our freedom and more often than not when I work with couples and/or Parent/Teens there is a focus on the conflict not where both want to create freedom, love and connection. Both want to feel free and safe. So this month, seek connection and love wherever you go. Leo’s love people and love to love so pick up on that vibe;-) 

MANAGING ANXIETY: We are in a world that normalizes and tolerates high amounts of anxiety. Anxiety is just fear and worry. Anxiety is the enemy of self-trust and confidence. This month, play close attention to where you have allowed low to high grade anxiety and made it normal. Use this time to pivot that energy. The name of the game is SELF-SOOTHING. When I feel anxiety I walk myself through these steps and it always helps me. 

  1. What am I afraid of? EX: That my son will get the “bad” teacher next year.  OR more extreme EX: Not making my rent and getting kicked out of where I live.
  2. What does this make me know I want? EX:I want him to thrive, have a great classroom environment and love school. OR Ex: I want more money to come in. I want freedom and safety. I want to stay where I am living. I want to have steady consistent money come in and doing something where I am of value and happy. 
  3. What is the TRUTH or How does my Inner Being see this? I cannot control the teacher he gets. He is the creator of his reality and he has always manifested great teachers. It doesn’t really matter who I like.  It matters that he attracts what is right for him. He is powerful and I trust his creation. Whomever he gets he will do great. He’s a great kid and everything is working out for him. I know he will get the teacher he needs to grow and thrive. All is well. 

OR I have never been homeless. Something always comes through for me. At any moment I can allow in more. I have asked for more and I want to know and feel it is coming. It is coming. I have got this. I am valuable and feeling more confident in who I am and what I am doing. A new job and money source is around the corner, Everything is always working out for me. Money is coming. I am OK. I have food and a home. I am doing well. I have support and love. I am OK.

Hope that helps! Have a great month. 

In other news, after 6 years of not changing my rates I will now charge $150 for 30 minutes, will be adding in a 45 minute session for $225 and $300 for 1 hour Sessions. This is effective starting August 1, 2023. So any sessions after that point will be charged my updated rate. 

You can listen to the Energy Update HERE.

Many Blessings,
