September Energy Update 2020

Hello Everyone,

I hope you had a good month of August. There is a new HOPE in the air, can you feel it? There was some forward motion in August, and a lot of transition and rebirth energy toward the end of the month. That usually manifests itself as grief, breakdowns, blow up’s, or things coming to a head.

Moving into September we see more clearly what we must leave behind. What is no longer working for you? September is a time to solidify new habits and ways of being. A wonderful question to ask is who do I need to be and what do I need to believe to create the life I want? This is a great time to get clear on what needs to change in your life. If you are feeling stuck, you are resisting the flow of life. 

 All that we are going through right now is a part of our soul purpose to gain clarity and direction on the world we want to create. This is a LIFE EXPANDING TIME. This is what takes place after of time a great turmoil, or difficultly, where you are broken down and opened up to the wholeness of who you are. You will see it will all be worth it. 

This is the first month to begin to take more risks and make changes you have been putting off. As an individual, you will have the opportunity to allow new doors to open for you. This energy will continue for about 3 months, so take advantage of it. 

We are entering a time of initiation, a crossing over to gain a new way of being. Can you see the light at the end of the tunnel? You may not be THERE yet, but there are small signs lighting your way. Follow them. This month feels like a gateway on a global level. There will continue to be chaos, fires, hurricanes, storms and earthquakes as the earth recalibrates in the coming months. They won’t be catastrophic, but they will be jarring and scary for some. This is part of the transformation process for the next 3 months. 

In September there will continue to be an ever-changing flow as nothing can stay stagnant. Ride the waves of ups and downs and do your best to find your balance. The rollercoaster that is 2020 will continue, but we don’t have to be rocked by it. 

I am also feeling the energy of reaping what you sow, karma and what goes around comes around in a faster way than we have seen before. Whenever someone asks me about Law of Attraction, who isn’t “spiritual” I always say, do you believe what you put out you get back? Usually the answer is a yes. Trust that this law applies to EVERYONE. Punishing or fixing other people or the world is not your job, your job is YOU.  Be aware if you are pushing against something vs advocating for something. Being an advocate is truly helping, fighting or complaining is simply adding to the problem. There is a lot of complaining and blaming going on, so ask what you are advocating FOR. Love, peace, equality, harmony, a new equilibrium, wellness, thriving earth, people taking care of each other etc..

There will always be people and things you cannot change (what has already manifested), but there is so much more you can create from here. Be UNCONDITIONAL, love and be happy in spite of conditions and the conditions must change, as Abraham would say. Continue to surrender to current circumstances and open to what is NEXT.

The theme of connecting with our true power, continues. As we move toward a major election in November here in the U.S., the desire for change is SO strong, it is my feeling that it is inevitable. No matter what happens we are moving forward not back. 

The vibration of the planet is and will continue to shift. 

Many who have the soul missions attached to uplift the world will be called forward now. Is that you? Own it, claim it now.

I see a light around the whole planet, as I have been saying since January, this year is the beginning of a massive transformation, we will feel that energy in September.

I am called to tell you all to stop overthinking and keep focused on your true north. Don’t worry and question things so much! Trust that everything is moving exactly as it should for the highest good of all involved. What was planted will soon blossom, new days, and new beginnings, are here and ready. Heed the call.

This month stick with your tribe and let yourself feel safe being seen by others. When you have a solid foundation of a few that you love and trust, it can help you feel strong and powerful while putting yourself out there. 

Lastly, call in our unseen, outside support, loved ones that have passed, or simply your angels and guides. I feel so much energy here to assist us during this rebirthing process. See if you can tune and allow in the support that is available to you. 

Know that all the chaos and storms will pass,  I see the clearing ahead!! Try to stay in calm clarity as the difficulties will begin to fade.  Even though there is no certainty yet, do your best to connect with balance at this time. 

Align with your NEW life and let go of who you once were. This came up in the Manifestation Workshops, STOP CARRYING DISAPPOINTMENT forward. You are outgrowing your old self, embody your new one. Creating a new expectation moving forward.

Let’s let the remainder of 2020 be filled with hope, promise, and love. 

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Manifestation Bootcamps! I will be doing one more in October, email me if you are interested in being on the list.

My September  Radio Show will be LIVE Saturday September 5th at 9am PST where you can call in and speak to me! 

Click  HERE  for call in number and to access my show or click below!

Until next month, Many Blessings!
