October Energy Update 2018

October Energy Update 2018

Hello Everyone!

Fall is here, my favorite time of the year! The air is crisp, the sun is still shining and it isn’t too cold yet here in Amsterdam. It is a time of transition as we move into the last few months of the year.

September was a very uncomfortable month for many, as I told you in my last update, nobody was spared. Physical illness, body pain, money issues and/or anything triggering basic human survival fear was processing through at its peak last month. It will now start to diminish through October. Phew, glad that is on it’s way out!

This manifested for me as my youngest getting a ear infection, then fever, refusing to nurse anymore, then getting hand, foot and mouth disease as he broke out in blisters all over his little body. I had to cancel his 1st birthday party and deal with the fear and panic that comes with being in a foreign country when your baby is sick.  I believe he is processing through all the anger and fear that the collective and myself are releasing at this time. Thankfully he is on the mend and feeling much better. I forgot for a moment how powerful he is, and his ability to heal.

I, personally, had many realizations this month and I will share them with you, with the hope that it helps you gain clarity for yourself. Firstly, I have heard and used this analogy so many times, but this month I really got it!  It is essential for me to fill my own “gas tank” as I didn’t realize how on empty I have been since the before the birth of my second son. I have been running on fumes and simply cannot function that way anymore. After tending to myself (mind, body and spirit) I can be the best version of myself, and more importantly, I just feel better! I also realized how crucial it is to fill my “relationship” gas tank as well. For me, this means date nights with my husband, and remembering to connect, talk and be close physically, daily. Just like everything in life the KEY it is to water the plant of your desire, but in relationships we can take for granted and forget to that it needs watering too.

It also became apparent to me that since we moved here I have been more guarded, as I am not with “my people” and there is very little to zero spiritual community here, so I am being forced to be my true self and trust that the people that match that will appear all over again.  I had everything set up perfectly in the USA, so starting from zero brought up some old feelings. It felt like I was back in high school feeling different and weird, while I am making new friends and observed myself holding back who I truly am. I couldn’t believe it! So, I stopped myself, spoke my truth and watched how this person pulled back, and let that be ok.

This brings me to a theme that will appear in October, around who we appear to be in the world, and how that conflicts with who we truly are. Our Identity will be questioned this month.  Gaining clarity on who we are, not based on what we appear to be or what people expect from us. We are not what we do, or our role in our family, we are source energy made physical. This means that we must function from the “bigger” highest parts of ourselves instead of the fear-based “smaller,” one dimensional versions that we think the world will accept. I always thought I was “too much,” so I would make myself smaller to fit in. No more my friends. It’s our time to shine!  As you have the courage to be who you really are, you inspire others to do so.

I am knowing that who I truly am is source energy, powerful and beautiful

Inner conflicts, which can manifest, as conflicts with others and the world will be at the forefront this month as well. I already got revealed to me a HUGE inner conflict. I don’t want to like it here in Amsterdam, yet I want to open to all the gifts this experience can yield to me because I know that I was called to come here. Discovering that I actually didn’t want to like it here, made me realize this was keeping my heart closed which only kept me more guarded. Ugh.  After consciously opening myself up, I am able to more fully embrace this adventure with an open heart.

Starting over will also be a theme in October. We are all feeling the pressure pushing us into NEW LIFE, so this month, hit the reset button. If you were born now, what would you do differently? Start being who you want to be now!

I am being told that we are ready to move forward now with optimism and hope.  Open yourself this month to divine inspiration and be willing to follow wherever it takes you! New things are ready to emerge for many in the physical (new relationship, new job, new home etc.), so take time everyday to listen to what your inner being is saying to you.

I am being guided ALWAYS and in ALL WAYS. All paths lead to where I want to go!

Check my radio show next week! Tune in for the live show this Saturday October 6th at 9am PST (6pm in Europe), where you can call in and speak to me or listen any time after that at the same link!

Call 619-924-0905 to speak to me on the air! Thank you for your support!

Many Blessings,
